Detached residence, ell with side front entrance and ell entrance, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard, stone foundation, main hipped roof and rear truncated pyramidal roof, standing seam metal roofing with ridge cresting. Hipped front ell…
Detached institutional building, rectangular main block with rear gymnasium, two and a half stories, six front bays with two projecting gable-roofed entrances, lower rear corner bay SE, reinforced concrete and rough-cut ashlar stone masonry, main…
Detached residence, irregular plan with side entrance, two stories, wood frame construction with asbestos shingles first floor and ornamental wood shingles second floor, coursed rough-cut stone foundation, main hipped roof with pent gable bays. …
Church, ell plan with sanctuary SW, one-and-a-half stories, smooth-cut random ashlar stone veneer, steep gable roof. Late Gothic Revival style ornamental pointed arched sanctuary window W, square entrance bell tower in ell with paired wooden doors…
Farm residence, T-plan, I-house type, two stories, stone (stuccoed), gable roof. Modern two-story front gable porch on concrete piers, second floor enclosed, open railing, rear shed-roofed porch screened and partially enclosed, 2/2 double-hung…
Films like "The Exorcist" have met with much negative uproar across North America. To the contrary, however, a film on the same theme, titled "The Enemy," is receiving enthusiastic commendation and accolades…
Gee to Pastor Rossville Bible Church
Rev. Stephen M. Gee began duties as the pastor of Rossville Bible Church September 9. Pastor Gee and his wife, Valerie, moved to the area from Pennsylvania on September 1 and reside one mile…
Special Missionary Services in Rossville
A series of special meetings will be held October 7-12 at the Rossville Bible Church. Pastor Robert Vickroy from Calvary Bible Church, Dowaglac, Mich., will speak in each service. Pastor…
[caption: Evangelist Mike Pelletier]
Revival at Rossville Bible Church Starts Sunday
A special revival meeting will be held at Rossville Bible Church Sunday, September 4 through Friday evening, September 9. Evangelist Mike Pelletier, Shelby, NC,…