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Part A
Neighbors Help Neighbors
Elsie Rasch brought the noon meal for the harvest crew.

Small communities are caring communities and this fact was driven home Wednesday, November 5, when relatives and neighbors of the late “Bud” Rasch gathered…

Henry Martinek, Rossville, shows off some of the cotton he grew in his garden this season. Henry's daughter, Jo Copeland, contacted a sister-in-law in Alabama and asked her to send Henry the seeds, which he planted in April. He says the rows of…

Photo by Belinda Driscoll

HENRY MARTINEK, Rossville, has been growing sunflowers for about 15 years but has never had one this size! Planted the first of March from a Russian brand of sunflower seed, Martinek expected the plant to be short as…

This on-farm-grain storage system was installed on the Laird French farm 2 1/2 miles south of Rossville last year. Farmers are showing more and more interest in such systems. This one was included in the annual irrigation tour this year by Shawnee…

Members of the Rossville United Methodist Church and guests recently returned from a three-day ski trip to Winter Park and Silver Creek, Colo.
The trip, which was coordinated by Doug and Betsy French and Diane Heckerson, attracted 38 people. The…

A new spirit of teamwork filled the Rossville United Methodist Church Sunday, January 30, as a result of the climax of the Pony Express Stewardship Campaign. General Manager Doug French, dressed as a dusty Pony Express rider, gave everyone in the…

Photo by Belinda Driscoll
THE ROSSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH has a new pastor, the Reverend Gene Damewood. The family is pictured around the pulpit at the church. L-R, front row -- Heather, Tim and Christi. Back row -- Lorene (his wife), Gene and…

The Rossville Community Library- A Look at Its Past, the Present, and its Future
Page 5 St. Marys Star October 5, 1993
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
When the Rossville Community Library at 407 Main was dedicated in late November
1968, no one…

The Rossville Community Library- A Look at Its Past, the Present, and its Future
Page 5 St. Marys Star October 5, 1993
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
When the Rossville Community Library at 407 Main was dedicated in late November
1968, no one…


TOP PHOTO - St. Stanislaus Church in Rossville has a new brick extension on the front of the building. During the recent renovation of the building, a 2,000 square foot basement was also added. The remodeled interior of the building is…
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