The Rossville Community Library, A Look at its Past, the Present, and its Future, 1993

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The Rossville Community Library, A Look at its Past, the Present, and its Future, 1993


The Rossville Community Library- A Look at Its Past, the Present, and its Future
Page 5 St. Marys Star October 5, 1993
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
When the Rossville Community Library at 407 Main was dedicated in late November
1968, no one dreamed that 25 years later, its services would have grown so much that an addition would be necessary.
That, however, is exactly what has happened. Consequently, plans are being made to correct the “too small” problem.
The land just north of the building has been generously donated by Ron and Joyce Lutz.
The proposed addition will be approximately 24 by 50 feet.
Along with providing for the pa¬trons it serves and the services it gives, two handicapped re¬strooms will be added to meet federal requirements.
No target date has for completion, but the library board has decided to establish two separate building funds. A plaque will list the names of all donors of $100 or more, either to a regular building fund, or to a memorial fund. Those two plaques are already hanging on the wall. Other fund and financial plans will be announced later by the Library Board — President Scott Kelsey, Larry Anderson, Marie Sullivan, Shelly Braden, and Mary Jane Berkey.
As the name, Rossville Community Library, implies, this is a township, not a city library. It is supported by a small tax levy. The Rossville Town¬ship Board, currently Helen Horton, Richard Langworthy, and Tom Schuetz, supervises the library and appoints the library board. They, in turn, hire the library staff. Mary Brennan is the present librarian and Ruth Godbey is the assistant.

[caption to photograph]
Scott Kelsey, President of the Rossville Library Board, and Richard Langworthy, Trustee of the Rossville Township Board, are shown the deed to the lot north of the library where they anticipate enlarging the building, by Ron and Joyce Lutz.

Photo by Carla Opliger


St. Marys Star, St. Marys, Kansas


Rossville Community Library


October 5, 1993


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