Just what is 4-H Day?
by Sharon Reser, Jr. Leader
February 27, 1958 Maybe some of you new 4-H parents are wondering just what this "thing" 4-H Day that your 4-H boy or girl is talking about, really is. In explanation it is a day set aside…
Interest in boys & girls lead Davis’ in 4-H leadership
by Linda Kelsey, 4-H Reporter
April 17, 1958 A fondness for working with boys and girls is the reason Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Davis have for serving as community leaders of the Rossville…
The little buildings like the one pictured above are becoming a thing of the past in Rossville. They are one by one being torn down or moved to the country where they will once again be "in use." The Reporter still offers the free advertising to…
To raise money to fit out the basement of the church, the Methodist people will hold a mock wedding at the church Friday evening. The admission is 5 cents and the money will be used to fit out the bride's kitchen. The guests may also bring a present…
September 7, 1944 John Morrell & Co. of Topeka, will again be host to the 4-H Club members in Shawnee and surrounding counties for a Grand Barbecue and entertainment September 12 at the Kansas Free Fair. The affair…
June 1904
Miss Fannie Wilt entertained her Sunday School class Tuesday afternoon. After a number of games and dainty refreshments they proceeded to the mill pond and spent several hours fishing. Those present were Tommie Attebury, Eber Nason, John…
The Box Social given by the M.E. Sunday School last Saturday evening in the Fritz Hall was a pleasant affair and netted nearly $20 for the piano fund. Master Paul Stewart purchased the box that won the prize which proved to be the one prepared by…
February 14, 1963
Practice begins Sunday for annual Easter Cantata
Rehearsal for the annual community Easter Cantata will begin Sunday, February 17, at 2:30 p. m. the Rossville Methodist Church, This year the choir will sing "Divine redeemer"…
Thursday January 9, 1958 Page 4
Methodist churches participate in CHEC
The Rossville Methodist Church, in cooperation with all the Methodist Churches of the Kansas Conference, will be participating during the month of January in the Christian…