Caption 1: Don Rogers and his son, Jared, are inside the new Balderson hog house recently set up on his farm just south of Rossville. The Rogers, in conjunction with Balderson Construction Company in Beatrice, Nebr. will hold an open house Thursday…
Photo by Belinda Driscoll
Joe and Doris Fairbanks, Rossville, show off their peony blossoms this spring. Finally, after four or five years, the small bushes have produced the most beautiful bright pink flowers. The blooms are unusual because of…
Farmers Meet with Legislators
AREA FARMERS met with representatives February 8, at the Mainstreeter Restaurant in Rossville. The purpose of the meeting was to update farmers on the two bills coming up for passage by…
Shelter House Serves as Temporary Church
Since early in July, Mass has been celebrated in the shelter house in the city park of Rossville, and sometimes under a large tree in…
Art Campbell of Rossville is par¬ticipating in the Kansas State University short course for young farmers, January 14 to March 7.
There are 56 men enrolled…
Rossville's Roland “Red" Parr is New KLA President
Roland “Red” Parr of Rossville became the new president of the Kansas Livestock Association December 5, 1975.
He lives southwest of Rossville, maintains a 300-head calf feeder operation, and farms…
Stan Thompson, pictured above, brought in the first load of milo to the Farmers Union Co-op in St. Marys. Thompson had about 650 bushels on the truck. He said the yield should be good this year. Thompson farms about 1,000 acres north of Rossville 400…
Congratulations, "Red" Parr
new President of KSU Agricultural Council. Mr. Parr is also a director of the Peoples State Bank -- a Bank that has expertise in cattle loans.
Peoples State Bank
Rossville, Ks.
Ph. 584-6181
PEGGY SULLIVAN, ROSSVILLE, is the director of the newly-formed Summer Theatre group which will open this Thursday in St. Marys. The Summer Theatre is a first for St. Marys and is sponsored by the Recreation…