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Friday, August 28, is the date of the Kaw Valley irrigation and crops tour. The day will get under¬way at 9:00 AM at the Clifford Holcomb farm which is located ½ mile west of the Kiro store on Highway 24, west of Topeka. Mr. Holcomb used irrigation…

This on-farm-grain storage system was installed on the Laird French farm 2 1/2 miles south of Rossville last year. Farmers are showing more and more interest in such systems. This one was included in the annual irrigation tour this year by Shawnee…

The Kaw Dehydrating Plant started up this week for the alfalfa season and is throwing a smog over Rossville like California’s smog would be coming out of one stack.

The Rossville Reporter THURSDAY,…

This picture is from the 1971 Rossville Centennial Booklet, page 54.

Photo by Belinda Driscoll

HENRY MARTINEK, Rossville, has been growing sunflowers for about 15 years but has never had one this size! Planted the first of March from a Russian brand of sunflower seed, Martinek expected the plant to be short as…

Henry Martinek, Rossville, shows off some of the cotton he grew in his garden this season. Henry's daughter, Jo Copeland, contacted a sister-in-law in Alabama and asked her to send Henry the seeds, which he planted in April. He says the rows of…

Part A
Neighbors Help Neighbors
Elsie Rasch brought the noon meal for the harvest crew.

Small communities are caring communities and this fact was driven home Wednesday, November 5, when relatives and neighbors of the late “Bud” Rasch gathered…

Larry Kokenge, an employee of Continental Grain, Rossville, took a moisture sample from a truckload of corn Friday. The corn harvest is nearly complete and the bean harvest is starting.

Photo by Brandon Magette

It's harvest time again--corn harvest began this week and Ralph Page of Rossville was one of the first farmers into the field. Mr. Page remarked that he hadn't had such a weedy field for years. He said he was only able to work his field twice because…
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