Commercial block in a row, rectangle, one story, two bays, brick and stone masonry construction, flat roof and parppet. Storefront substantially altered, modern recessed front with stuccoed facade.
Corner commercial block in row, rectangle with recessed central entrance, two stories, three first floor and two second floor front bays, brick and stone masonry construction, flat roof and parapet. Wood frame exterior stair S. Display windows and…
Farm residence, I-house with rear wing, shed and gable rear addition, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard construction, rubble stone foundation, main side gable roof. Front hipped porch and rear entrance porch on turned posts, 2/2 double-hung…
This photo was taken in 1910 by Rubin Rudell of the Second Christian Church choir. The information on the photo states- 2nd Christian Church choir - Otto Mooman, minister-Robert Warner seated at the pipe organ.
Barn, square with three interior aisles, two stories, sawn timber frame, stone foundation, gable roof. Alterations-- some interior partitions removed, plywood sheathing, metal roofing.