Browse Items (1809 total)

The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church met this Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Beth Hartzell. The meeting opened with prayer by Irene Cleveland followed by the reading of the minutes and treasurers report and reports given by the committees.…

The W. S. C. S of the Methodist church met Thursday, Nov . 17, at the home of Mrs. C. S. Smith for an afternoon meeting. The president, Mrs. Vina McCoid, called the meeting to order and all repeated the Lords Prayer. A vocal solo was sung by Ann…



Vanishing Teas continue in favor as fall events around Rossville. Mrs. Velda O'Donnell entertained at tea for Mrs. Roxie Nadeau, Christina Olejnik and Greta Olejnik.
Mrs. Wm. Olejnik gave a tea party for…

The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Cormelia Stevens with Amy Meade, Mrs. Adelle Bills and Grace Hartzell as hostesses for the month. The day was spent quilting. A covered dish luncheon was served at…

The Young Adult Sunday School class of the Methodist Church met last Sunday for a supper and program. There were 22 adults and 9 children present. Jane Rogers won first prize and Don Jones the second prize in a game. Francis Pardee got "the boot" for…

July 19, 1951
The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist Church met at the church Wednesday for an all-day quilting and luncheon. Members in attendance were Mrs. E. James, Mrs. Ella Whearty, Mrs. Stella Henderson, Mrs. C. E Gresser, Mrs. Stella…

THE ROSSVILLE REPORTER Thursday, Dec. 26, 1957 Page 5
WSCS met Thursday, December 19, at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. John Stevens. Her home was beautifully decorated for the Christmas…

The Shawnee County Reporter, Page 5
Rossville, Kansas Thursday, Dec. 8, 1960

The Friendly Circle Class met with Stella Page and Ella Whearty with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Those present were Thelma Wehmeier, Ethelyn Ferguson, Stella…

The Women's Society of Christian Service met on Thursday, November 17, at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Joe Gresser. The meeting was called to order by the President, Irene Parr.
A very interesting lesson was given by Elizabeth Hesse and…

March 30, 1961 WSCS MEETS
The Women's Society of Christian Service held its regular meeting at the Methodist Church Thursday, March 23. The program was given by Mrs. L. P. Hartzell and Mrs. James Conley was in charge of worship. Theme of the…
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