1950 UMC Sunday School, Rossville, Kansas

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1950 UMC Sunday School, Rossville, Kansas


The Young Adult Sunday School class of the Methodist Church met last Sunday for a supper and program. There were 22 adults and 9 children present. Jane Rogers won first prize and Don Jones the second prize in a game. Francis Pardee got "the boot" for being low man. The program was presented by the "Local Yokels" with a dashing master of ceremonies. The French singers received a fine round of applause for the rendition of a classic number. The sport fans appreciated the account of a famous baseball event, (prompted by Miss Maudie of Rossville). The versatile, fellow with the rheumatism was a hit as a pianist. Harry and Roberta stole the show with "Playmates." Roberta's sweet little face and bonnet will long be remembered. The hosts for the next supper will be the Francis Pardees and the Bill Hesses.

The Mary and Martha group of Methodist Women met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ned Engler. Plans were made for the Chili Supper and Parcel Post Sale to be held Saturday, Dec. 9, in the Community Building. Refreshments in keeping with the season were served to Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. Sam Cottle, Mrs. Luther Stone, Mrs. Joe Campbell Mrs. Lavern Spears, Mrs. Harley McCoid, Mrs. Joe Gresser, Mrs. Lulu James, Mrs. Lena Ellwood, Mrs. Walter Swenson, Mrs. Minnie Ellis, Mrs. Robt. Whitlock, Mrs. A. E. Stovall, Mrs. Alvin Perry and Myrna and Mrs. Scott Kelsey and Douglas.

Miss Nellie Countryman, teacher of the Intermediate class of the Methodist Sunday school, entertained the group with a social time at her home Sunday evening The time was spent in playing dominoes and other games and contests. Refreshments were served. Members of the class include, Jeannette Nadeau, Shirley Pitts Joan Swenson, Barbara Gentry Grace Dick, Betty Pendleton, Emmett Foster and Raymond Bush.


The Rossville Reporter, Rossville, Kansas

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