1950 UMC Friendly Circle, Rossville, Kansas

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1950 UMC Friendly Circle, Rossville, Kansas


The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Cormelia Stevens with Amy Meade, Mrs. Adelle Bills and Grace Hartzell as hostesses for the month. The day was spent quilting. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon to the following, Rose Myers, Stella Page, Ethelyn Ferguson Lula James, Daisy Crow, May Moyer, Bird Vorhies, Golda Cottle, Myrtle Lillard and the hostesses. Those attending the afternoon meeting were Myrtle Stone, Minnie Ellis and Lenora Gresser.

The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church, met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Stevens with Mrs. Myrtle Lillard and Mrs. Mae Moyer as acting hostesses. The day was spent quilting. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Members present included: Vida Whitney, Stella Page, Ella Whearty, Lula James, Daisy Crow, Bird Vorhies, Lena Elwood, Golda Cottle, Mae Moyer, Janet and Sue Marks, Myrtle Lillard and Mrs. Stevens.

The Friendly Circle Class of the Methodist Church met for an all-day meeting Wednesday with a covered dish luncheon at Noon. The day was spent quilting. Mrs. Daisy Crow was hostess for the month, assisted by Myrtle Lillard. Those present were Ethelyn Ferguson, Stella Page, Lula James, Comelia Stevens, Bird Vorhies, Mae Moyer, Vida Whitney, Amy Meade, Golda Cottle, Mrs. Ellwood, Mrs. Crow and Mrs. Lillard. Lyda Zickefoose was a visitor.

The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church met Wednesday April 12, for an all day meeting. The day was spent quilting. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon to the following: Mrs. Lenora Gresser, Lena Elwood, Comelia Stevens, Bird Vorhies, Adelle Bills, Ethelyn Ferguson, Daisy Crow, Amy Meade, Stella Page, and Myrtle Lillard. Golda Cottle, Myrtle Stone, and Vida Whitney were present for the afternoon meeting.

The Friendly Circle Class of the Methodist Church met at the church Wednesday. A covered dish luncheon was served and the day was spent quilting. New officers elected were: Mrs. Amy Meade, president; Vida Whitney, secretary-treasurer; Lulu James, program chairman. Vida Whitney and Mrs. Ellwood were hostesses. Members present were: Mrs. Ella Whearty, Mrs. Lulu James, Mrs. Amy Meade, Mrs. Stella Page, Mrs. Comelia Stevens, Mrs. Daisy Crow, Mrs. Bird Vorhies, Mrs. Ellwood, Mrs. Adelle Bills, Mrs. Ethelyn Ferguson, Mrs. Edna Spears, Miss Vida Whitney.

The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church met Wednesday at the church with a covered dish luncheon and quilting. Meeting was called to order by president, Amy Meade. Lulu James read a poem, "Who Will Work today for Christ." Roll call minutes and secretaries report was given and approved. The members present included, Mrs. Bird Vorhies Miss Vida Whitney, Mrs. Comelia Stevens, Mrs. Lulu James, Mrs. Stella Page, Mrs. Ethelyn Ferguson, Mrs. Daisy Crow, Mrs. Amy Meade, Mrs. Selba Baird, and Mrs. Lena Gresser. Visitors were, Mrs. Lyda Zickefoose, and Ellen Coleman.

The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church met Wednesday at the church for an all day meeting. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Mrs. Stella Page and Mrs. Golda Cottle were hostesses for the month. Those attending the dinner and quilting were, Mrs. Rose Myers,
Ella Whearty, Ethelyn Ferguson, Mrs. C. L. Baird, Mrs. Comelia Stevens, Mrs. Daisy Crow, Mrs. Lena Wood, Mrs. Lulu James, Mrs. Jim Lillard, Mrs. Myrtle Stone, Mrs. Bird Vorhies, Mrs. Bills, Mrs. Amy Meade, and Miss Vida Whitney. During the business hour two of the members received letters and birthday packages from their Secret Sisters, Mrs. E. D. Hartzell and Mrs. Stella Henderson, which were enjoyed very much by the class.

The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church met Wednesday, for an all day meeting. The day was spent quilting and a covered dish luncheon was served at noon. The hostesses for the month were Myrtle Stone and Golda Cottle. Members present were, Ella Whearty, Amy Meade, Bird Vorhies, Stella Page, Comelia Stevens, Myrtle Lillard, Daisy Crow, Ethelyn Ferguson, Vida Whitney and the hostesses. June Wehner was a visitor.

The Friendly Circle class of the Methodist church met Wednesday, Oct. 18, for a covered dish luncheon at the church. The time was spent in quilting. A short business session was held in the afternoon. Mrs. Henry Silvius of Wellsville, was a guest. Members present were, Mrs. Amy Meade, Lulu James, Stella Page, Mae Moyer, Adelle Bills, Ethelyn Ferguson Myrtle Lillard, Stella Henderson, Comelia Stevens, Minnie Ellis, Bird Vorhies, Myrtle Stone, Daisy Crow, Seba Baird, Lena Ellwood, Vida Whitney, Golda Cottle, Mildred Stovall, Ella Whearty. The birthdays of Daisy Crow Stella Page and Adelle Bills were honored. Names were drawn for next years Mystery friend. C. E. J. dropped in for a piece of pie. Hostesses were Mrs. Comelia Stevens and Ethlyn Ferguson.


The Rossville Reporter, Rossville, Kansas

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