School, ell plan, one story, three front bays, wood frame and weatherboard construction, concrete foundation, gable roof with cornice return. Hipped stoop over entrance on timber brackets, paired 1/1 double-hung windows flanking recessed entrance,…
Church, rectangle with projecting square corner entrance tower, one-and-a-half story, one front and three side bays, wood frame construction with weatherboard, steep gable roof. Entrance tower crowned with round-arched bell cupola, steep polygonal…
Farm residence, rectangle with central entrance, two stories, wood frame construction, stone foundation (parged), sidegable roof. Gable entry on brackets, 1/1 wooden double-hung windows, nine-light glazed wooden entrance door. Substantially…
Detached residence, rectangle with side entrance, two stories and one-story rear gable T-wing, wood frame and shingle construction, coursed rough-cut stone foundation, basement, sidegable roof. Two story porch on stone piers S. wooden entrance…
Farm residence, upright and wing type with entrance NE, two stories and one-and-a-half stories, wood frame and weatherboard construction, front gable and rear saltbox roof. Cellar under front block, loft in rear,4/4 double-hung wooden windows, wooden…
Detached residence, ell plan with central entrance in each block, 2/3 front bays, wood frame and weatherboard construction with stone foundation, gable roof. Shed porch in ell, one story rear hipped addition, cellar entrance W end, 1/1 wooden…
The ladies of the Methodist church announce the Annual Election Dinner and Harvest Home sale, for Tuesday evening, Nov. 7, at the Wingerd hall.
Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening. Remember…
Mrs. Lloyd Coberly was hostess to members of the W. S. C. S. of Methodist church, this Thursday afternoon. The program for the afternoon was prepared by Mrs. Rollin Gresser and Mrs. Levi Henderson and included a broadcast. The announcer from…