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1945 UMC W.S.C.S./Friendly Circle, Rossville, Kansas
Mrs. Lloyd Coberly was hostess to members of the W. S. C. S. of Methodist church, this Thursday afternoon. The program for the afternoon was prepared by Mrs. Rollin Gresser and Mrs. Levi Henderson and included a broadcast. The announcer from Rossville was Mrs. Beth Hartzell and the announcer from Holy Land was Mrs. Vina McCoid. Musical numbers included a duet by Mrs. Irene Campbell and Mrs. Levi Henderson; a quartet by; Mrs. Coberly, Mrs. Archie Lambert, Mrs. C. E. Gresser and Mrs. Edgar Lambert and a duet by Mrs. C. E. Gresser and Mrs. Campbell. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Rose Myers. New group leaders are, Vina McCoid Mrs. Stella Page, Edna Spears, Bess Conley, Veda Whitney and Mrs. Ellis. The February meeting will be with Mrs. Ed Lambert. Vina McCoid's group will have charge of the program and Veda Whitney the refreshments.
Mrs. L. B. Crow entertained the members of the W. S. C, S. at her home this Thursday afternoon. The president had charge and after the business session, the devotionals were led by Mrs. McCoid. Others taking part on the program were, Mrs. C. E. Gresser, Mrs. Ed Lambert, and Mrs. Rollin Gresser. The lesson was given by Mrs. Ed Lambert. At the social hour refreshments were served by group 2, with Veda Whitney in charge. World Day of Prayer was announced for Tuesday February 16. Mrs. Charley Baird and Mrs. Robert Cassidy were guests present. The members included, Mrs. Joe Watson, Veda Whitney, Ruth Page, Jennie Rogers, Della Sebring, Cornelia Stevens, Beth Hartzell, Mary Hartzell, Stella Henderson, Gertrude Lambert, Odessa Lambert, Vina McCoid, Daisy Crow, Golda Cottle, Minnie Ellis, Ethel Ferguson, Lena Gresser and Grace Gresser. A special number thoroughly enjoyed was given by Phyllis Page, who gave a reading on the song, "Home Sweet Home," and was accompanied by music played by a music box all during her reading.
Mrs. Noel Ganoung was hostess to the members of the Friendly Circle Class of the Methodist Church Wednesday. She was assisted by Mrs. Ed Lambert, Mrs. Rollin Gresser and Mrs.. L. P. Hartzell at the Ganoung home at a covered dish luncheon at Noon. The meeting opened with all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Roll call followed. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. The program committee took charge and had arranged contests and games all enjoyed. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Jennie Rogers, Wednesday, March 21. Those having birthday anniversaries in March are urged to attend. Present were Mrs. J. E. Watson, Mrs. Dave Stitt, Mrs. L. B. Crow, Mrs. Lee Henderson, Mrs. Jennie Rogers, Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. Flora Spears, Mrs. Frank Steffee, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. Ralph Page, Mrs. June Elliot, of Baxter Springs, Kansas, Mrs. Martin Whearty, Mrs. E. D. Hartzell, and the hostesses.
Mrs. L. B. Crow entertained the members of the W. S. C, S. at her home this Thursday afternoon. The president had charge and after the business session, the devotionals were led by Mrs. McCoid. Others taking part on the program were, Mrs. C. E. Gresser, Mrs. Ed Lambert, and Mrs. Rollin Gresser. The lesson was given by Mrs. Ed Lambert. At the social hour refreshments were served by group 2, with Veda Whitney in charge. World Day of Prayer was announced for Tuesday February 16. Mrs. Charley Baird and Mrs. Robert Cassidy were guests present. The members included, Mrs. Joe Watson, Veda Whitney, Ruth Page, Jennie Rogers, Della Sebring, Cornelia Stevens, Beth Hartzell, Mary Hartzell, Stella Henderson, Gertrude Lambert, Odessa Lambert, Vina McCoid, Daisy Crow, Golda Cottle, Minnie Ellis, Ethel Ferguson, Lena Gresser and Grace Gresser. A special number thoroughly enjoyed was given by Phyllis Page, who gave a reading on the song, "Home Sweet Home," and was accompanied by music played by a music box all during her reading.
Mrs. Noel Ganoung was hostess to the members of the Friendly Circle Class of the Methodist Church Wednesday. She was assisted by Mrs. Ed Lambert, Mrs. Rollin Gresser and Mrs.. L. P. Hartzell at the Ganoung home at a covered dish luncheon at Noon. The meeting opened with all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Roll call followed. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. The program committee took charge and had arranged contests and games all enjoyed. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Jennie Rogers, Wednesday, March 21. Those having birthday anniversaries in March are urged to attend. Present were Mrs. J. E. Watson, Mrs. Dave Stitt, Mrs. L. B. Crow, Mrs. Lee Henderson, Mrs. Jennie Rogers, Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. Flora Spears, Mrs. Frank Steffee, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. Ralph Page, Mrs. June Elliot, of Baxter Springs, Kansas, Mrs. Martin Whearty, Mrs. E. D. Hartzell, and the hostesses.
The Rossville Reporter, Rossville, Kansas
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This work is copyrighted; the copyright holder has granted permission for this item to be used by the Rossville Community Library. This permission does not extend to third parties.
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