Commercial building in row, rectangle, one story, three front bays, recessed side entrance, stuccoed stone sidewall and brick front, gable roof and parapet. Storefront altered with modern metal screen.
Detached residence, square plan with gable bays, one-and-a-half story, wood frame and weatherboard, rough-cut coursed stone foundation, main hipped roof. Hipped ell front porch on columns, open railing, rear screened porch, 1/1 double-hung windows,…
Stadium, athletic field entrances, and retaining walls. Stadium north side block, field entrances NW corner and center W, rubble stone and reinforced concrete construction, central raised wood frame announcer's booth on stadium. Decorative…
Detached residence, T-plan with two entrances in ell, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard construction, stone foundation (parged), gable roof. Rounded ell front porch with battered posts and brick piers, glazed wooden front entrance doors,…
Corner commercial block in row, rectangle, altered double-front, rear entrance NE corner, two stories, four front bays and five side bays E. Coursed rubble stone foundation, flat roof and parapet. Brick front and side wall, rubble stone side wall…
Detached residence, rectangle with asymmetrical entrance, two-and-a-half stories, wood frame and weatherboard, stone foundation (parged), gambrel roof. Gambrel entry on square posts, hipped side porch with paired glazed entrance doors, rear shed…
Church, ell plan with sanctuary SW, one-and-a-half stories, smooth-cut random ashlar stone veneer, steep gable roof. Late Gothic Revival style ornamental pointed arched sanctuary window W, square entrance bell tower in ell with paired wooden doors…
Farm residence, T-plan, I-house type, two stories, stone (stuccoed), gable roof. Modern two-story front gable porch on concrete piers, second floor enclosed, open railing, rear shed-roofed porch screened and partially enclosed, 2/2 double-hung…
Barn, rectangle in bank with cross aisle, timber frame with vertical board sheathing, rubble stone basement, gable roof with shed N. Ramp to loft from S., main rolling doors, granary SE, timber(?) loft. Asphalt sheathing, shed addition and modern…
Commercial building in row, rectangle, storefront W and garage aisle E, one story, four front bays, brick front in running bond, tile walls, flat roof and parapet. Ornamental features include a header course framing the storefront opening and…