November 2, 1944
A most enjoyable evening was spent by the High School class of the Methodist church, Saturday evening, when Helen and Ruth Spears entertained them with a hayrack ride and Halloween party They were hauled to the old stone house,…
December 19, 1935
One of the thrilling pleas ever heard in Court will be presented at the Rossville Methodist church, Saturday, December 21, at eight o'clock when 21 prominent citizens from the various local churches present…
Miss Edith Higginbotham announces a recital of the young ladies who have completed their course, in the Methodist church on August. Those taking part are Mary Hartzell, Alverta Lemon, Ruth Stanley, and Velma Lamhotte. July 3, 1925
February 9, 1950 Three crosses of Calvary outlined against a morning sky formed the center of the newest scene that greeted Methodist church-goers last Sunday. The center window above the Altar was the canvas for the second church painting done by…
church of debt.
In the fall of 1894 the south room addition was built. The building committee was W. G. Gilbert, I. B. Gothic window with stained glass replaced the door in the east end of the auditorium, and another was placed in the south side of…
Fifty years ago, March 1, 1885, marked the dedication of the local Methodist church and Sunday the congregation and pastor, Rev. Wright Horton, sponsored the celebration of the anniversary.
50th Anniversary services were held Sunday at the…
The Methodist church building is undergoing a general cleaning up and the interior redecorated including work in the basement, re-flooring the pulpit with quarter-sawed oak; cleaning and waxing floors of the primary room and the auditorium. July 27,…
New cement yard walks and cement front and back steps are some of the improvements at the Methodist parsonage completed the last of the week by R. A. Shipley.
FRIENDLY CIRCLE — Members and guests of the Friendly
Circle Class posed for a group picture following their annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Pictured (left to right) Back row, Vivian Turner, Edna Bush, Anna Strimple, [Winnie] Ellis, Iva…