1933-1944 UMC cleaning/repairing, Rossville, Kansas

Dublin Core


1933-1944 UMC cleaning/repairing, Rossville, Kansas


The Methodist church building is undergoing a general cleaning up and the interior redecorated including work in the basement, re-flooring the pulpit with quarter-sawed oak; cleaning and waxing floors of the primary room and the auditorium. July 27, 1944

Earl Hawks painted the garage at the Methodist parsonage this week. April 27, 1933

The interior of the Methodist church is undergoing some repairs this week. New ceiling is being put on the main auditorium and the floors repaired. January 30, 1936

The interior of the Methodist parsonage was cleaned last week and made ready for Rev. and Mrs. James Reed. Clyde Strimple did the painting and paperhanging. March 18, 1937


The Rossville Reporter, Rossville, Kansas

This work is copyrighted; the copyright holder has granted permission for this item to be used by the Rossville Community Library. This permission does not extend to third parties.


April 27, 1933, January 30, 1936, March 18, 1937,
July 27, 1944


All rights reserved



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