Detached corner commercial block, rectangle double front with recessed corner entrance, six front and five bays, brick, brick masonry with stone foundation and ornament, flat roof and parapet. 1/2 first floor windows, 1/1 double-hung second floor,…
Commercial building in row, rectangle, one story, three bays, brick front and reinforced concrete walls, flat roof and parapet.. Recessed brick panels and blocks, corbeled eave detail. Storefront altered-filled with woodframe and stuccoed.
Detached residence , irregular plan, two stories, wood frame with first floor weatherboard and second floor shingles, ashlar rough-cut stone foundation, truncated pyramidal roof with gable bays. Ell porch with circular front end bay, stone…
Farm residence, upright and wing type, one and two stories, wood frame construction, stone foundation, gable roof. Front hipped porch on columns(sec), 1/1wooden double-hung windows, glazed wooden entrance door, interior brick chimney (top altered).…
Detached residence, T-plan with entrance in ell, one-and -a-half story, wood frame and weatherboard construction, stone foundation (parged). Hipped entrance porch with metal roofing. 2/2 double-hung wooden windows, wooden entrance door, interior…
Commercial building in row, rectangle with central entrance, one story, brick masonry construction, flat roof and parapet. Storefront altered, modern display windows, entrance door, and corrugated facade screen.
Barn, rectangle with center aisle and three interior bays, loft, sawn timber frame with veritcal board sheathing, rough-cut stone foundation, gabled roof. Central rolling doors. Dutch door ESE. Stock windows E, 4/4 loft windows. Shed wing N,…
Farm residence, T-plan with central entrance E., two stories, wood frame and weather board construction, rubble stone foundation (parged), gable roff. Rear shed enclosed porch, SW and hipped enclosed porch NW. 4/4 and 6/6 wooden double-hung windows,…
Farm residence, rectangular front block with central entrance, rear T-wing, two stories, wood frame construction, stone foundation, hipped roof. Front shed porch on turned posts. 1/1 double-hung wooden windows, wooden entrance door. I terior brick…
Barn, rectangle with cross-aisle, basement and end shed, pegged timber frame, coursed sandstone foundation, board and batten sheathing, main gable roof with hood N. Central rolling doors. Dutch door WNW.
Interior stanchions W and granary E.