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This picture was with a paper labeling it as the Hartzell-Eversole store. This photo was sent to Gerald Reser along with RCL0251.

This picture was with a paper labeling it as the Hartzell-Eversole store. The photo was sent to Gerald Reser along with RCL0252.

Harvest time at the J. H. Naysmith farm.

Harvesting milo, fall of 1959.

This unidentified farmer is harvesting using his Farmall and McCormick-Deering in Rossville, Kansas.

Farm residence, rectangle with central entrance, two stories with one-story rear kitchen ell, basement, brick masonry construction, sidegable roof, 4/4 and 2/2 double-hung wooden windows, interior brick chimney and end chimney. Smooth-cut stone…

Republic County, Kansas, citizens were asked to tell stories of their lives as they lived and remembered them.

This photo of the Henry Heine residence and Sylvan Water Tower (near 4th & Illinois) was taken from the Eugene Cross home located to the north across old Highway 18.

Republic County, Kansas, citizens were asked to tell stories of their lives as they lived and remembered them.

Henry Martinek, Rossville, shows off some of the cotton he grew in his garden this season. Henry's daughter, Jo Copeland, contacted a sister-in-law in Alabama and asked her to send Henry the seeds, which he planted in April. He says the rows of…
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