Newsletter detailing progress on a regional library system demonstration project intended to show residents of southeast Kansas how a system would operate.
Gee to Pastor Rossville Bible Church
Rev. Stephen M. Gee began duties as the pastor of Rossville Bible Church September 9. Pastor Gee and his wife, Valerie, moved to the area from Pennsylvania on September 1 and reside one mile…
Special Missionary Services in Rossville
A series of special meetings will be held October 7-12 at the Rossville Bible Church. Pastor Robert Vickroy from Calvary Bible Church, Dowaglac, Mich., will speak in each service. Pastor…
[caption: Evangelist Mike Pelletier]
Revival at Rossville Bible Church Starts Sunday
A special revival meeting will be held at Rossville Bible Church Sunday, September 4 through Friday evening, September 9. Evangelist Mike Pelletier, Shelby, NC,…
[top picture caption] THE FRIENDLY CIRCLE CLASS of the Rossville United Methodist Church was organized in 1920 by Mrs. Mollie Hartzell. The class meets once a month for dinner and quilting. Some of the ladies quilt three times a week. Last year, the…
Prison Evan Sunday
Mr. Joe R. Garman will be conducting a Prison Evangelism Program on Sunday, August 27, at 7 p.m., at the Rossville Christian Church, 411 Spruce. The purpose of the program will be to bring the Christians up-to-date on what is…