PETER NAVARRE, Editor and Owner
On Christmas Eve the Presbyterian Sunday School gave an interesting little program followed by a party in the church parlor. Games, an exchange of gifts from…
The Methodist church building is undergoing a general cleaning up and the interior redecorated including work in the basement, re-flooring the pulpit with quarter-sawed oak; cleaning and waxing floors of the primary room and the auditorium. July 27,…
Pictured in the back row, left to right, are the 1930 Rossville High School football team: Clyde McCollough, Fred Heiland, Clifford Cormack, Tuffy Ruff, Tony Dean, Chow Nadeau, Coach Charles Kimerer, Earl Wilt, and Chuck Denton. In the middle row are…
Last Friday evening the Epworth League gave a St. Patrick's Day party at the church. There were 30 young people out and all enjoyed a well-planned evening. The feature of the evening was the "weighing in" at a…
New cement yard walks and cement front and back steps are some of the improvements at the Methodist parsonage completed the last of the week by R. A. Shipley.
June 6, 1929 The 4-H Roundup program is being broadcast from K. S. A. C. at Manhattan this week. The banquet Friday evening from 5:30 to 9 should be interesting because the prize winners will be announced and awarded. Rossville 4-H club is competing…
Horse SaleAt the stockyards inAt Willard, KansasRain or Shine, at 1 P.M. onSaturday, Aug. 20Carload Work HorsesAll Kansas Bred Stock, Will be Sold at Public Auction
This stock comes from the farms of Logan County, Kansas. AgesRange from 3 to 9 years…
Big Shoe SaleCommencing Saturday, May 21 and ending June 4th
You no doubt remember that we have had several sales in the past few years, and we earnestly believe that we always gave you more value for your money than you expected, and now we will…