Detached residence, square plan with gable bays, one-and-a-half story, wood frame and weatherboard, rough-cut coursed stone foundation, main hipped roof. Hipped ell front porch on columns, open railing, rear screened porch, 1/1 double-hung windows,…
Commercial building in row, rectangle, one story, three front bays, recessed side entrance, stuccoed stone sidewall and brick front, gable roof and parapet. Storefront altered with modern metal screen.
Commercial building in row, rectangle, recessed central entrance, one story, three bays, brick front and stone walls, flat roof and parapet. Second story removed 1978, rough-cut stone sills remain on parapet cap, wood frame store front altered.
Corner commercial building in row, rectangle, one story, three front bays with oblique entrance, one side bay, brick, flat roof, triple display windows in wood frame between cast iron posts, paired glazed wooden entrance doors with overhead transom. …
Commercial building in row, rectangle, one story, three front bays, recessed side entrance, brick and stone walls, gable roof and parapet. Ornament consists of a projecting metal cornice with brackets. Store-front altered with modern brick and…
Detached residence, T-plan with additions, central entrance N and side entrance in ell ESE, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard, stone foundation (parged), gable roof. Hipped side porch on columns, 2/2 and 1/1 double-hung wooden windows, bay…
Detached residence, irregular plan with entrance in ell SW, one-and-a-half story, wood frame and weatherboard, coursed stone foundation, gable on hip roof with gable bays. Shed entrance porch and rear hipped porch on turned posts, open railing,…
Detached residence, irregular plan, two stories, wood frame construction, coursed rough-cut stone foundation, main hipped roof with gable wings. Hipped front porch on columns, ell plan, open railings, double-hung wooden windows, glazed wooden…
Commercial building in row, rectangle with recessed central entrance, one story, three bays, brick masonry construction, flat roof and parapet. Display windows flanking glazed wooden entrance door. Recessed brick façade panel and eave detailing. …
Detached residence, square plan with side entrance W, two stories, three front bays, wood frame construction with modern asbestos sheathing, coursed rough cut stone foundation, truncated pyramidal roof. Hipped front porch with square posts, 1/1…