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PROGRESS OF THE GRADES ROSSVILLE GRADE SCHOOL DECEMBER 9, 1954 SEVENTH GRADE We enjoyed a demonstration last week by Wayne Rasch and Ralph Marney showing how the force of gravity is partially overcome by the principle of the gyroscope.  The boys…

Thursday, December 8, 1955 Progress of the grades The Rossville Grade school has started a Pep Club for boys and girls of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades.  Mrs. Catt is our sponsor.  We have elected officers, who are:  Nida Mogus, President;…

Thursday, October 6, 1955 Progress of the Grades Rossville Grade School  Grade 5 The Fifth Grade has many interesting Science Specimens. Dale Dannefer brought a praying mantis for us to see. A sample of “Fool’s Gold” was brought by Carol…

Thursday, September 8, 1955 Grades Enroll 176 Rossville Grade School enrolled 176 students on the first day of school September 6.  The three largest classes are grades three, four and eight with twenty-five pupils in each of these grades.  The…

Page 12 St. Marys Star February 5, 1980

KSU Offers Short Course for Young Farmers

Art Campbell of Rossville is par¬ticipating in the Kansas State University short course for young farmers, January 14 to March 7.
There are 56 men enrolled…

To the Members of Our Holstein Club
We wish to thank each and every member for their help, kindness and patience shown in the distribution of our grade Hol¬stein heifers that arrived last week.
Not one complaint was made by a member that he hadn’t…

NoticeTo PublicThe Willard ElevatorWill be open for businessSeptember 15that which time we solicit a share ofyour business. In addition to grainbuying we shall carry feeds, seedsand coal. Bird J. PattersonManager

Horse SaleAt the stockyards inAt Willard, KansasRain or Shine, at 1 P.M. onSaturday, Aug. 20Carload Work HorsesAll Kansas Bred Stock, Will be Sold at Public Auction This stock comes from the farms of Logan County, Kansas. AgesRange from 3 to 9 years…

NoticeHaving taken over the office and practice of Dr. W.A. Young, I will be in RossvilleThursday, Friday and Saturday of each week Dr. W.H. RickelChiropractor

A Threefold Insurance Coverage on Your Grain
Insured while standing in the field
Insured while being cut
Insured while in buildings
Can you afford to take the chance
Of going without this liberal insurance protection?
A fire would destroy your…
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