Rumley Oil Pull Tractor [logo]
[inset] Triple Heat Control
A gallon of cheap kerosene contains more power than a gallon of high priced gasoline. Triple Heat Control is a scientific system of motor cooling by means of which the Oil Pull gets the…
Farm residence, rectangle with central entrance, two stories, wood frame construction, stone foundation (parged), sidegable roof. Gable entry on brackets, 1/1 wooden double-hung windows, nine-light glazed wooden entrance door. Substantially…
The wrecking crew is dismantling the old highway bridge at the west edge of Rossville. The historic structure has been blocked off from use for some time. --Photo by Letitia Hubbard
Commercial block in row, rectangle with recessed central entrance, two stories, three first floor bays and two second floor bays., brick front with rubble stone sidewalls, flat roof and parapet. Second floor facade has recessed tan brick panels with…