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Future business outlook good

Future business outlook for Shawnee County appears to be on the better side. Regardless of what the recent tele¬vision show “The Land” said about small towns in Kansas dying, those in Shawnee County…

"Now is the time when corn needs water. If the water does not come from above, it must come from below, through irrigation," Herb Bulk, Shawnee County agent said in outlining plans for the annual irrigation tour in Shawnee County.

Bulk said a…

Members of the Rossville United Methodist Church and guests recently returned from a three-day ski trip to Winter Park and Silver Creek, Colo.
The trip, which was coordinated by Doug and Betsy French and Diane Heckerson, attracted 38 people. The…

A new spirit of teamwork filled the Rossville United Methodist Church Sunday, January 30, as a result of the climax of the Pony Express Stewardship Campaign. General Manager Doug French, dressed as a dusty Pony Express rider, gave everyone in the…

Announcement was made this week of the removal of the Rossville Dehydrating plant from Rossville to Platte, Nebr.

Work has been started to tear down the Plant and so soon as the machinery can be ready will be loaded out and taken to…

Photo by Belinda Driscoll
THE ROSSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH has a new pastor, the Reverend Gene Damewood. The family is pictured around the pulpit at the church. L-R, front row -- Heather, Tim and Christi. Back row -- Lorene (his wife), Gene and…

Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Noyce are pictured during the recent Christmas holiday with their two children, Larry and Tina. They are now settled in their new home at the Silver Lake parsonage.

Rossville and Silver Lake Methodist Churches are again sharing…

January 24, 1963: The Friendly Circle Class met Wednesday, January 16th at the home of Mrs. Stella Page with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Amy Meade was the assistant hostess. The day was spent quilting. Those present were Georgia Lambert,…

March 1, 1962: WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Rolland Parr on Thursday afternoon, February 23, The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Ruth Larson. Worship service was given by Beverly Gentry and Betty Dick. The lesson was entitled, "The…
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