History of the Church
Methodists Celebrate 50th Anniversary
Fifty years ago, March 1, 1885, marked the dedication of the local Methodist church, and last Sunday the congregation and pastor, Rev. Wright Horton sponsored the celebration of the…
Fifty years ago, March 1, 1885, marked the dedication of the local Methodist church and Sunday the congregation and pastor, Rev. Wright Horton, sponsored the celebration of the anniversary.
50th Anniversary services were held Sunday at the…
December 19, 1935
One of the thrilling pleas ever heard in Court will be presented at the Rossville Methodist church, Saturday, December 21, at eight o'clock when 21 prominent citizens from the various local churches present…
Sabbath School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Rev. H. L. Nelson will conduct the morning services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 a.m. You are cordially invited to…
Mrs. C. E. Van Vleck was hostess at a covered dish luncheon last Wednesday at her home for the M. E. ladies aid. The day was spent in working and planning for the annual dinner and bazaar to be held November 11 at 5:30 at the church. Those who…
June 10, 1937
Rev and Mrs. G. C. Albin and sons Nathan and Clark, of Topeka, drove out to Rossville, Sunday afternoon for a farewell visit to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Navarre, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Navarre, Mr. and Mrs. John Shenk and the E. D. Hartzell…
Mrs. Thora Young entertained her Sunday School class with a weenie roast Monday evening at her home. Members present were Lee Small, Bobbie Berry, Clay Young, Joan Patton, Marlene Maddox, Wilma Coke, Maxine Reed, Ardith Axelton, Ruth Spears, Jackie…
The W. S. C. S. met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Coberly this Thursday afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs. Ben Rasch, Mrs. Rose Myers, Mrs. C. E. Gresser and Mrs. May Stiles, and Mrs. Harley McCoid. The meeting opened by singing, "Joy to The World." …
Another scrap paper drive is on and the young people of the Christian Church want your scrap paper and old magazines. Call any member of the Congregation if you have old paper and the young people will call and collect…