It’s a quilting bee twice a week for several members of Rossville’s Friendly Circle Class. Their fingers fly over the quilt, and all the while they are buzzing with the latest news of neighbors and friends, the town gossip, and tales of years gone…
January 25, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met with Stella Henderson January 17 for a covered dish luncheon at noon with Golda Cottle assisting. Those present were Mildred Rupin, Seba Baird, Bess Conley, Minnie Ellis, Minnie Given, Myrtle Lillard,…
March 1, 1962: WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Rolland Parr on Thursday afternoon, February 23, The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Ruth Larson. Worship service was given by Beverly Gentry and Betty Dick. The lesson was entitled, "The…
January 24, 1963: The Friendly Circle Class met Wednesday, January 16th at the home of Mrs. Stella Page with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Amy Meade was the assistant hostess. The day was spent quilting. Those present were Georgia Lambert,…
by Jane Zickefoose
April 30, 1959 Sharon Davis. Zora Wade and Jane Zickefoose attended a 4-H Home Economics Judging School at Lawrence, Kansas, Saturday, April 25. The girls judged seven classes and…
June 18, 1959 Shawnee County 4-H’ers attended camp at Rock Springs Ranch, State 4-H Center, June 7-10. Attending from Rossville 4-H were (back row) Linda Kelsey, Carol Adams, Carla Rasch, and Sandy Taylor. This camp session was for 4-H’ers of…
Rossville 4-H has 11 County Champs by Linda Kelsey
November 26, 1959 The annual Shawnee County 4-H Achievement Party was held November 21 at the Municipal Auditorium. The Agricultural Service Division of the Topeka Chamber of Commerce sponsored…
by Jane Zickefoose
June 25, 1959 Rossville 4-H Club was well represented at the Spring Flower and Garden Show Friday, June 19. As a whole, the club won 34 blue ribbons, 26 red ribbons and 14 white ribbons…
Rossville Club Wins 5 Purple Ribbons
Ribbons Galore at County 4-H Fair by Jane Zickefoose
August 20, 1959
The hard work of the Rossville 4-H Club members really was rewarded at the Shawnee County 4-H Fair held August 12, 13. 14. Of the 371…