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Friendly Circle/Women's Society of Christian Service (WSCS) minutes from 1962
January 25, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met with Stella Henderson January 17 for a covered dish luncheon at noon with Golda Cottle assisting. Those present were Mildred Rupin, Seba Baird, Bess Conley, Minnie Ellis, Minnie Given, Myrtle Lillard, Ethelyn Ferguson, Georgia Lambert, Stella Page, Vida Whitney, and a visitor, Mrs. Rupin.
April 26, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met at the home of Myrtle Lillard with Ethelyn Ferguson as assistant hostess. A lovely covered dish luncheon was served at noon with a short business meeting conducted by the president, Amy Meade, following the dinner. After the meeting the day was spent quilting for Mrs. Page. Those present were Mrs. Cornelia Stevens from Topeka, Minnie Givens, Minnie Ellis, Iva Stitt, Bess Conley, Stella Henderson, Ella Whearty, Vida Whitney, Amy Meade, Georgia Lambert, Ellie Jones and baby, Golda Cottle, Stella Page, Linda Barney, Myrtle Lillard and Ethelyn Ferguson.
May 24, 1962: Friendly Circle Class met at the home of Mrs. Stella Page on Wednesday, May 16, with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Hostesses were Minnie Ellis, Ellen Whearty, and Ruth Page. Those present were Georgia Lambert, Vida Whitney, Linda Barney, Stella Henderson, Iva Stitt, Minnie Givens, Amy Meade, and visitors, Esther Mansfield, Mildred Page and Roger, and Edna White of South San Francisco, Calif.
July 19, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class of the Methodist Church met Wednesday, June 27, at the home of Stella Henderson with Minnie Givens as assistant hostess for a covered dish luncheon. The following officers were elected for 1962-63: Amy Meade, president; Ella Whearty, vice president; Vida Whitney, secretary; and treasurer; Golda Cottle, reporter; Minnie Ellis, card committee. The order of the day was quilting. Those present were Edith Ward, Minnie Ellis, Iva Stitt, Seba Baird, Ethelyn Ferguson, Stella Page, Ella Whearty, Goldie Cottle, Minnie Givens, Georgia Lambert, Stella Henderson, Amy Meade, Mildred Page and children. The next meeting will be July 25 at the home of Minnie Givens with Ethelyn Ferguson and Amy Meade as assistant hostesses.
August 2, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met Wednesday, July 25, at the home of Mrs. Minnie Givens with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Ethelyn Ferguson and Amy Meade assisted. Those present were Daisy Crow, Stella Page, Minnie Given, Stella Henderson, Ella Whearty, Iva Stitt, Eleanor Jones, Vida Whitney, Linda Barney, Minnie Ellis, Ethelyn Ferguson and Amy Meade. They all enjoyed quilting for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Retter and family of Lawrence, Kansas, spent Sunday evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Larson and family.
August 23, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met Wednesday, August 15, at the home of Stella Page, with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Hostesses were Georgia Lambert and Ruth Page. The afternoon was spent quilting. Last Friday the group enjoyed a watermelon party. Those present were Minnie Ellis, Ella Whearty, Stella Henderson, Seba Baird, Ethelyn Ferguson, Iva Stitt, Minnie Givens, Georgia Lambert, Ellie Jones, Myrtle Lillard, Esther Mansfield and Tommie, Ruth Page, Mildred Page and children, Stella Page, Vida Whitney and Amy Meade.
December 27, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class had a party December 14 at the home of Mildred Rupin. The house was beautifully decorated in the Christmas spirit. After a short program, several appropriate games were played and then a gift exchange. Dainty refreshments were served by the following committee, Minnie Ellia, Veda Whitney and Mildred Rupin. Those present were Darlene Berry, Ellie Jones and baby, Bess Conley, Ruth Page, Ethelyn Ferguson, Seba Baird, Stella Henderson, Stella Page, Iva Stitts, Myrtle Lillard, Georgia Lambert, Elsie Moran, Ella Whearty, Ester Mansfield, Mable Bruce, Amy Meade, Linda Barney, Golda Cottle, Opal Tillman and the hostesses Minnie Ellis, Veda Whitnev and Mildred Rupin.
April 26, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met at the home of Myrtle Lillard with Ethelyn Ferguson as assistant hostess. A lovely covered dish luncheon was served at noon with a short business meeting conducted by the president, Amy Meade, following the dinner. After the meeting the day was spent quilting for Mrs. Page. Those present were Mrs. Cornelia Stevens from Topeka, Minnie Givens, Minnie Ellis, Iva Stitt, Bess Conley, Stella Henderson, Ella Whearty, Vida Whitney, Amy Meade, Georgia Lambert, Ellie Jones and baby, Golda Cottle, Stella Page, Linda Barney, Myrtle Lillard and Ethelyn Ferguson.
May 24, 1962: Friendly Circle Class met at the home of Mrs. Stella Page on Wednesday, May 16, with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Hostesses were Minnie Ellis, Ellen Whearty, and Ruth Page. Those present were Georgia Lambert, Vida Whitney, Linda Barney, Stella Henderson, Iva Stitt, Minnie Givens, Amy Meade, and visitors, Esther Mansfield, Mildred Page and Roger, and Edna White of South San Francisco, Calif.
July 19, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class of the Methodist Church met Wednesday, June 27, at the home of Stella Henderson with Minnie Givens as assistant hostess for a covered dish luncheon. The following officers were elected for 1962-63: Amy Meade, president; Ella Whearty, vice president; Vida Whitney, secretary; and treasurer; Golda Cottle, reporter; Minnie Ellis, card committee. The order of the day was quilting. Those present were Edith Ward, Minnie Ellis, Iva Stitt, Seba Baird, Ethelyn Ferguson, Stella Page, Ella Whearty, Goldie Cottle, Minnie Givens, Georgia Lambert, Stella Henderson, Amy Meade, Mildred Page and children. The next meeting will be July 25 at the home of Minnie Givens with Ethelyn Ferguson and Amy Meade as assistant hostesses.
August 2, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met Wednesday, July 25, at the home of Mrs. Minnie Givens with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Ethelyn Ferguson and Amy Meade assisted. Those present were Daisy Crow, Stella Page, Minnie Given, Stella Henderson, Ella Whearty, Iva Stitt, Eleanor Jones, Vida Whitney, Linda Barney, Minnie Ellis, Ethelyn Ferguson and Amy Meade. They all enjoyed quilting for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Retter and family of Lawrence, Kansas, spent Sunday evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Larson and family.
August 23, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met Wednesday, August 15, at the home of Stella Page, with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Hostesses were Georgia Lambert and Ruth Page. The afternoon was spent quilting. Last Friday the group enjoyed a watermelon party. Those present were Minnie Ellis, Ella Whearty, Stella Henderson, Seba Baird, Ethelyn Ferguson, Iva Stitt, Minnie Givens, Georgia Lambert, Ellie Jones, Myrtle Lillard, Esther Mansfield and Tommie, Ruth Page, Mildred Page and children, Stella Page, Vida Whitney and Amy Meade.
December 27, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class had a party December 14 at the home of Mildred Rupin. The house was beautifully decorated in the Christmas spirit. After a short program, several appropriate games were played and then a gift exchange. Dainty refreshments were served by the following committee, Minnie Ellia, Veda Whitney and Mildred Rupin. Those present were Darlene Berry, Ellie Jones and baby, Bess Conley, Ruth Page, Ethelyn Ferguson, Seba Baird, Stella Henderson, Stella Page, Iva Stitts, Myrtle Lillard, Georgia Lambert, Elsie Moran, Ella Whearty, Ester Mansfield, Mable Bruce, Amy Meade, Linda Barney, Golda Cottle, Opal Tillman and the hostesses Minnie Ellis, Veda Whitnev and Mildred Rupin.
The Shawnee County Reporter, Rossville, Kansas
Rossville Community Library
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