DEMOLITION CONTINUES this week on the United Methodist Church in Rossville. The stained glass windows have been removed and placed in storage until the new building is completed, when they will be reinstalled. The fellowship hall portion of the…
Members of the Rossville United Methodist Church will auction their century-old building at 10 a.m. today, as they prepare to erect a new church on the same site.
Also being sold are an educational wing added to the church in the 1950s, a house on…
AND . . . AWAY SHE GOES on her way to a new home in Paxico. The fellowship hall portion of the Rossville United Method Church was moved north on Rossville Road, west on the Delia road K-63, south to U.S. 24, west to Schoemann Road and south to its…
Doug French rides his Palomino with his "pay sack" on his back. The Rossville United Methodist Church is ready to start its annual "Pony Express" for church pledges. Photo by Belinda Driscoll.
“Let’s Ride” will be the slogan next Sunday for the…
On March 9, 1869 a joint resolution of Congress authorized the changing of the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division's name to the Kansas Pacific Railway Company.; Although all of the photographs published in Across the Continent on the…
On March 9, 1869 a joint resolution of Congress authorized the changing of the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division's name to the Kansas Pacific Railway Company.; Although all of the photographs published in Across the Continent on the…
On March 9, 1869 a joint resolution of Congress authorized the changing of the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division's name to the Kansas Pacific Railway Company.; Although all of the photographs published in Across the Continent on the…