Soil awards given
Five farmers in Shawnee County received the Kansas Bankers Association awards for soil conservation work at the annual meeting of the district held Monday…
February 14, 1963
Practice begins Sunday for annual Easter Cantata
Rehearsal for the annual community Easter Cantata will begin Sunday, February 17, at 2:30 p. m. the Rossville Methodist Church, This year the choir will sing "Divine redeemer"…
Purina Tour
Back row, left to right: Leo Ronnse, Bernard Peterson, [ ] Slough, [ ] Seeley, Ed Brennan, Harry Hershey, Unknown, Alex Johnson, Laird French, Roy Florence, [unknown] Purina official
E.R. Heslet, 43, of Rossville was in critical condition after his car struck the rear of the Harold Reser car. Mrs. Reser, riding in the car driven by her daughter, Lillian, was examined for shock and possible back injury and released from the…
Little Billie Rogers (pouring) and Mike Rogers (seated), sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers will have to close their business this week with the opening of school Friday. They say business is a little slow anyway. Here Billy Whitlock and Earl Queen…
Future business outlook for Shawnee County appears to be on the better side. Regardless of what the recent tele¬vision show “The Land” said about small towns in Kansas dying, those in Shawnee County…
March 30, 1961 WSCS MEETS
The Women's Society of Christian Service held its regular meeting at the Methodist Church Thursday, March 23. The program was given by Mrs. L. P. Hartzell and Mrs. James Conley was in charge of worship. Theme of the…