Rossville Christian Church to
Celebrate 130th Anniversary
The Rossville Christian Church will celebrate her 130th Anniversary on Sunday, November 3. For this special Sunday of celebration, the morning schedule will be rearranged. There will be…
Introducing The Rev. Tammy Rider
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
When the Rev. Tammy Rider was called to serve as the pastor of the Rossville and Delia Presbyterian Churches, it was a continuation of a practice begun in 1914. That was the year that the Rev.…
Page 5 St Marys Star June 18,1996
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
There is one thing for sure. Mrs. Pauline Conley, Delia, certainly took the Rev. Ken Rogers' challenge to members of the Rossville United Methodist Church to heart — or should I say — to…
The Rev. Thomas J. Smatla, Grand Junction, Colo., will preach at the Rossville Presbyterian Church for a special Homecoming Sunday service on November 12, at 11:00 a.m. All past and present members of the…
DOUG FRENCH told preschoolers about the many products that are made using soybeans.
The preschool is located at the Rossville United Methodist Church.
The children are taught by Alexis Ebert and Tricia Conley.
Photos furnished
November 25, 1995
FALL FIELD TRIPS taken by the Rossville Rascals Preschool have
included a visit to the Rossville Fire Station and to the J. G. Meier Market.
Darryl Olson and Wilbur Stum, Jr., (pictured in back) gave the children a tour
of the…
[caption: Evangelist Mike Pelletier]
Revival at Rossville Bible Church Starts Sunday
A special revival meeting will be held at Rossville Bible Church Sunday, September 4 through Friday evening, September 9. Evangelist Mike Pelletier, Shelby, NC,…