Farm residence, ell plan with two front entrances, one-a-half stories, smooth-cut stone central section, wood frame and weatherboard wings with coursed stone foundations, gable roof. Front shed entrance porch, 1/1, 2/2 and 4/4 double-hung wooden…
Detached residence, T-plan with side entrance in wing, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard, rubble stone foundation, gable roof. Hipped entrance porch on round post, 1/1 double-hung wooden windows, paired projecting windows with pent roof NW…
Detached residence, square plan with asymmetrical entrance, rear addition above screened porch, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard,rough-cut coursed stone foundation, truncated pyramidal roof. Hipped front porch on turned posts. 1/1…
During the last day of June, Samuel Oldfield, Rossville, planted 18 acres of corn on land from which he had already taken a crop of wheat. He said the land was well-fertilized for the first crop, and the second took to growing lustily. A good stand…
Detached residence, square plan with central entrance, two stories, three front bays, wood frame and weatherboard, brick foundation, truncated pyramidal roof. Two story shed-roofed porch with square posts and open railing, 1/1 double-hung windows,…