Browse Items (1809 total)

Big Shoe SaleCommencing Saturday, May 21 and ending June 4th You no doubt remember that we have had several sales in the past few years, and we earnestly believe that we always gave you more value for your money than you expected, and now we will…

This store was located on the east side of Main Street, Rossville, Kansas

This business was located on the east side of Main Street, Rossville, Kansas

This business was located on the west side of Main Street, Rossville, Kansas

This building was on the northwest corner of Pottawatomie Street and Main Street in Rossville, Kansas

Located on the southwest corner of Main Street, Rossville, Kansas

This business was located on the south side of Highway 24.

This business was on the north side of Highway 24 in Rossville, Kansas, just west of the intersection of the highway and Main Street.
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