Browse Items (1809 total)

Ruth Page, John Simeka, and Melba Gentry are pictured inside the Hy-Klas Food Store, located at 429 Main Street, Rossville, Kansas.

Farm residence, ell plan with two front entrances, one-a-half stories, smooth-cut stone central section, wood frame and weatherboard wings with coursed stone foundations, gable roof. Front shed entrance porch, 1/1, 2/2 and 4/4 double-hung wooden…

Mary Lawson and father Sid Lawson inside their hardware store.

Detached residence, T-plan with side entrance in wing, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard, rubble stone foundation, gable roof. Hipped entrance porch on round post, 1/1 double-hung wooden windows, paired projecting windows with pent roof NW…

Detached residence, square plan with asymmetrical entrance, rear addition above screened porch, two stories, wood frame and weatherboard,rough-cut coursed stone foundation, truncated pyramidal roof. Hipped front porch on turned posts. 1/1…

Horse & buggy crossing the Saline River Bridge near Sylvan Grove.
"Saline River Bridge, Sylvan Grove, Kans." written across bottom of image.

During the last day of June, Samuel Oldfield, Rossville, planted 18 acres of corn on land from which he had already taken a crop of wheat. He said the land was well-fertilized for the first crop, and the second took to growing lustily. A good stand…

Farm residence, cruciform plan, side entrances, one story, wood frame and weatherboard construction, coursed rough-cut stone foundation, gable roof, 1/1 wooden double-hung windows, glazed wooden entrance doors, interior brick chimney with corbeled…

Detached residence, square plan with central entrance, two stories, three front bays, wood frame and weatherboard, brick foundation, truncated pyramidal roof. Two story shed-roofed porch with square posts and open railing, 1/1 double-hung windows,…

This is a picture of a Sauer & Moode merchandise business in Rossville, Kansas.
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