This cotton mattress in the house owned by Earl Ables in Rossville burned completely last week without setting the house afire. Charles J. Oldfield, 59, of Rossville was charged with second degree arson Friday in the Court of Topeka. Oldfield lived…
Death rides the highway
Tragedies: Above is the station wagon, loaded with nine occupants, which plunged into Cross Creek. Three died. The lower picture shows the car in which the single occupant died in a one-car accident…
Great Smith Comes Home
At last, the day had arrived! The beautiful bright red and black 1910 Great Smith which Harold Irwin, Rossville, purchased in Dallas was transported to Rossville by a specially-built van constructed to handle antique cars. Mr.…
Last Sunday night, the Chevrolet driven by Chuck Macha, Rossville, (shown at right) went out of control on the wet street and jumped the ditch, then collided with the Cadillac shown at left. The Cadillac parked in the drive is owned by Buddy Taylor…
Early Morning Accident Near Rossville Results in Injuries
Robert Kerwin, 18, St. Marys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kerwin, was admitted to St. Francis Hospital early Wednesday morning following a three-vehicle smashup near Rossville. His left arm…
Crossarm down in Rossville
The railroad crossing pole and crossarm at US 24 Hwy at Main Street in Rossville was not damaged as an act of vandalism as might first be suspected. A train was pulling a flat car loaded with army tanks when apparently one…
The wrecking crew is dismantling the old highway bridge at the west edge of Rossville. The historic structure has been blocked off from use for some time. --Photo by Letitia Hubbard
A fire that began about 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning destroyed a wooden frame elevator at Rossville. The Berry Grain Elevator, located just east of the Hesse Lumber Company, was empty of grain but was a total loss. The fire which began at the top of the…
The Dave Shibler residence near Delia was destroyed last week by fire. Firefighters were unable to control the flames, resulting in a total loss. the family was unable to salvage any belongings from the fire and information on a special fund for the…