Browse Items (1809 total)

Russell Jacobson, Sr. with horse and buggy, 1920.

Eugenia Jacobson with her flowers in June.

Boy and goat in front of Jacobson farmhouse, 1 ½ miles south and 1 ½ miles east of Norway, Kansas.

Edward and Eugenia Jacobson celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in front of original farmstead, 1 1/2 miles south and 1 1/2 miles east of Norway, Kansas, circa 1880-1890.


June 14, 1956
Kansas State Sigma Nu member harbors strange mascot here
When you say, “See You Later, Alligator” to Bob Bixby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bixby of Rossville, you may be saying just what it implies.…

Personalities You Should Know

People who have come and gone from Rossville in the past 31 years probably have had opportunity of meeting Bess Divine Baird. Bess has operated the Divine Cafe at the same location these entire 31 years.
Mrs. Jake…

LIBRARY NOTES Help! Hellup! We are broke! We need your financial assistance. During this month the citizens of Rossville and community will be asked to buy a library card or give a donation to help support the library. The Library Board, composed of…

GRADE SCHOOL NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954   FIRST GRADE We were pleased to have so many visitors during American Education Week.  The following parents and friends came to visit our room:  Mrs. Wm. Farley, Mrs. Bill Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Francis…

EIGHTH GRADE (Nov 18, 1954) Our individual pictures sold very well.  We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving vacation which will begin at dismissal on the 24th.  There will be no school on Friday following the 25th. The skating party the Mothers…

PROGRESS OF THE GRADES ROSSVILLE GRADE SCHOOL DECEMBER 9, 1954 SEVENTH GRADE We enjoyed a demonstration last week by Wayne Rasch and Ralph Marney showing how the force of gravity is partially overcome by the principle of the gyroscope.  The boys…
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