Bess Divine Baird, Rossville, Kansas

Dublin Core


Bess Divine Baird, Rossville, Kansas


Personalities You Should Know

People who have come and gone from Rossville in the past 31 years probably have had opportunity of meeting Bess Divine Baird. Bess has operated the Divine Cafe at the same location these entire 31 years.
Mrs. Jake Baird came to Rossville in the year 1919 from Kansas City. Mo. After arriving here she worked for about a year at the Golden Belt Cafe which some old-timers can remember. Later she opened up a dry cleaners and laundry in the building now housing the cafe. A short time later she changed the laundry business to the cafe she has operated ever since.
Good-natured Bess has met every kind of person you could think of in her cafe. Bess says she has dished out about everything and has taken about everything. She has the record of being the third longest in business in Rossville. C. E. Gresser has been in business here the longest at the Peoples State Bank, she said, and William Hesse of Hesse Lumber Co is the second, having been in business just about a week before she was.
The Divine Cafe has long been the “old faithful” on Main street. For many years it has been the coffee break stop for businessmen and the heaping plates of home-cooked food for the workers.
Mrs. Baird is a member of the Royal Neighbors and the Silver Lake American Legion Auxiliary.


Rossville Reporter, Rossville, Kansas


Rossville Community Library


March 15, 1956


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