Browse Items (1809 total)

March 1, 1962: WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Rolland Parr on Thursday afternoon, February 23, The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Ruth Larson. Worship service was given by Beverly Gentry and Betty Dick. The lesson was entitled, "The…

January 25, 1965: The Friendly Circle Class of the Rossville Methodist Church met Wednesday, Feb. 17, with Golda Cottle. Stella Henderson was assistant hostess for the covered dish luncheon at noon. The day was spent sewing carpet rags.
Present were…

January 29, 1959: WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Bill Larson Thursday, January 22. Lesson leaders were Elsie Rasch and Helen Queen, on “Rekindling the Gift of India.” Lovely refreshments were served to Esther Stickerod, Eleanor Jones, Elsie Rasch, Jean…

The quilters in the back row are (left to right) Minnie Ellis, Grace Hartzell, Daisy Crow, Amy Meade, Ethelyn Fergeson, Myrtle Lillard, Seba Baird, Stella Page, and Edith Word. Pictured sitting down left to right are Vida Whitney, Ella Whearty,…

Two men haul a load for French Trucking in Rossville, Kansas. Howard French is on the left.

Farm residence, T-plan with central entrance E., two stories, wood frame and weather board construction, rubble stone foundation (parged), gable roff. Rear shed enclosed porch, SW and hipped enclosed porch NW. 4/4 and 6/6 wooden double-hung windows,…

Franklin Ice Cream Tonganoxie Crew.JPG
Franklin Employees lined up on the loading ramp south of the Franklin Ice Cream plant which was located at approximately 850 East First St.

Standing L to R: Mr Quigley from Kansas City plant, Ed Hunt, ??, Leo Kramer, Chancy Angell, Charley…

Detached residence, ell plan with two front entrances, two stories with one-story rear hipped wing, wood frame and weatherboard, coursed rough-cut stone foundation, main roof gable. Ell porch on turned posts, projecting paired windows NE, front…

Detached residence, ell plan with central entrance in each block, 2/3 front bays, wood frame and weatherboard construction with stone foundation, gable roof. Shed porch in ell, one story rear hipped addition, cellar entrance W end, 1/1 wooden…

Detached residence, irregular plan with side entrance, two stories, wood frame construction with asbestos shingles first floor and ornamental wood shingles second floor, coursed rough-cut stone foundation, main hipped roof with pent gable bays. …
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