1978-04-20 UMC Rossville Rascals Preschool News, Rossville, Kansas

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1978-04-20 UMC Rossville Rascals Preschool News, Rossville, Kansas


April 20, 1978
Rossville Rascals Preschool News
The Rossville Rascal Preschoolers are continuing with their preparation for school. They have been learning their addresses and phone numbers. They are also finding out how different senses work.
On April 13, the children went to the Rossville Post Office to see how the mail is
received and sent. Each child received a zip code pin. The post office employees were very friendly and we appreciate their taking time for 18 young children.
The preschool has acquired several new learning aids and toys. Some of the town businesses and citizens have donated toys and time to the preschool.
Be on the look-out for the fall enrollment on May 2. We'd like to see all area three to five year olds enroll. It is worthwhile for each child to become adjusted to a school atmosphere and what better way than at the Rossville Rascal Preschool? If further information is needed, call Susan Foresman at 584-6638 or Linda Lake at 584-6525.


The St. Marys Star, St. Marys, Kansas

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April 20, 1978


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