1976-11-11 UMC Missionary Honor, Nellie Countryman, Rossville, Kansas

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1976-11-11 UMC Missionary Honor, Nellie Countryman, Rossville, Kansas


November 11, 1976
Missionary Honor Bestowed on Rossville Lady

Miss Nellie Countryman was honored Sunday, October 31, by the United Methodist Women of the Rossville United Methodist Church.
For years, the ladies of the church have helped support mission work in the United States and around the world. One way this is accomplished is by donating money in the name of an individual, thereby awarding this person a "Special Membership" in the United Methodist Women. In addition to the honor, the donor receives a small gold pin. This pin is given only when a special membership to missions has been received, and is an honor to both the individual and to the church.
Miss Countryman was asked to come forward to be presented with her pin. The following eulogy was read:
"Your Christian love began at a very early age, as you went to Sunday School as a little girl, and this love and devotion has continued throughout the years and has been shown through your work in the Church.
"The pleasures you have given to all those who were ill and in distress by sending cards with words of encouragement ... by receiving memorials from friends in honor of the deceased . . .
"You have been the keeper of the Membership book for the Rossville United Methodist Church for many years and have been very faithful in your attendance at the Board meetings . . . these are just samples of some of the many, many things you consider your Christian responsibility.
"You are one of our most valuable Church members . . . and also of our Women's Society. Although you have not been able to attend our afternoon meetings due to your business commitments, you do so much for our Society. You always help with annual dinners . . . and any in between. You are always ready to fix a dish or whatever for friends in distress, and so many things you do in the background that many people never know about.
"We are so proud of you and know you will keep up the good work.
"Life is a magic vase filled to the brim, so made that you cannot dip into it or draw from it but it overflows into the hand that drops treasures into it. Drop in malice and it overflows hate . . . drop in charity and it overflows love. We know your life is overflowing with Christian love and we all feel it. We know you will wear your pin with pride, and hope it confers to you just a little of the love and appreciation the Rossville community feels for you."


The St. Marys Star, St. Marys, Kansas

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November 11, 1976


All rights reserved



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