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1944 UMC W.S.C.S., Rossville, Kansas
The W. S. C, S. of the Methodist church, met at the home of Mrs.C. S. Smith, this Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened by singing "I Need Thee Every Hour," followed by prayer by Mrs. Charity James. Meditation was given by Mrs. W. E. Ellis. A group of sentence prayers and the song, "Come Thou Almighty King," was then given, and Mrs. Theo Young led in prayer. Social and Evangelical work in China Was given by Mrs. Adelle Bills. Roll Call was answered by daily Bible reading. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given, The meeting closed with the song, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." A White Elephant Sale followed, sponsored by the White Division with Mrs. Allyn Hartzell as auctioneer. Receipts of sale was over $11. Those present: Mrs. Glen Sebring, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. L. B. Crow, Mrs. Lee Henderson, Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. Charity James Mrs. John Stevens, Mrs. J. E. Wat¬son, Mrs. Allyn Hartzell, Mrs. W. E. Ellis, Mrs. Thora Young, Mrs. C. E. Gresser, Mrs. L. P. Hartzell, Mrs. Adelle Bills, Mrs. Joe Campbell, Mrs Ed Lambert, Miss Clara Ruff, Mrs. E. D. Hartzell. Mrs. James Lillard was a visitor
The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church sponsored a Silver Tea, Tues¬day afternoon at the church, and de¬spite the rain a large crowd attended. An entertaining program was given including several musical numbers, a reading and a one-act play. Mrs. Joe Campbell gave 2 violin solos, accom¬panied by Virginia Parr; a reading, "Heritage" was given by Margie Lil¬lard and Joyce Navarre sang, "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied by Peggy Navarre. A one-act play, "Women Who Wait" was given by six High School girl, directed by Miss Bernice Herron. The cast included, Betty Countryman, Betty Parr, Bar¬bara McCoid, Esther Page, Peggy Navarre, and Thelma Parr. The program was highly complimented and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. The church was decorated in spring flowers. Following the program, tea was served in the church parlor. The table decorations were pink cut flowers, white candle sticks and pink candles. Mrs. J. E. Watson poured. All during the serv¬ing Mrs. Joe Campbell and Virginia Parr furnished piano music.
Don't forget the Rummage Sale May 22nd in Topeka, sponsored by the W. S. C. S. of the Methodist Church. Please leave your contri-bution's at the homes of Mrs. Page, Mrs. Coberly or Mrs. Ed Lambert. Mrs. Lambert will call for your things if you will phone her.
The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church met at the beautiful country. home of Mrs. Joe Campbell, this Thursday, June 1. A box luncheon Was served and the hostess served ice cream and ice tea. The past president was honored with a gift and Miss Donna Stitt sang, "When They Ask About You. ' and "I'll Be Around." The meeting opened by-singing, "I Need Thee Every Hour," followed by prayer by Mrs. Charity James. Quiet music was played by Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. W. E. Ellis had charge of the devotion by hav¬ing a group reading and all sang "Eaith of Our Fathers" with Mrs.
Cleveland at the piano. Mrs. Farris played her own composition on the piano. Mrs. James gave a talk on "Juvenile Delinquency". Business period was conducted bv president Mrs. Coberly. Minutes of last two meeting was read and the treasurers report was given. Missionary topic was given by Miss Esther Sebring on "Child On His Own." Miss Vida Whitney gave the poem "T h e Sculptor." A poem read b y Mrs. Stitt, was "Little Town." Miss Esther Sebring and -Mrs. Merwin McKnsey, sang "In Jesus" and "The Cross." accompanied by Mrs. Rollin Gresser The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Stitt and all singing "God Be With You Until We Meet Again." Mrs. Cleveland accom-panied at the piano. The next meeting will be with Mrs. L.. B. Crow in July. Those present were, Mrs. Charity James, Mrs. Irene Cleveland, Mrs. Rollin Gresser, Mrs. C. C. Gresser, Mrs. Allyn Hartzell, Mrs. Dave Stitt, Miss Dona Stitt, Miss Esther Sebring, Miss Vida Whitney, Mrs. C. W. Vorhies, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. Mervin McKinsey and Adrain, Mrs. W. E. Ellis, Mrs. O. R. Farris, Mrs. E. D. Hart¬zell, and Mrs. Campbell.
The W. S .C. S. of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. L, B. Crow, this Thursday afternoon. The meeting was led by Mrs. W. E. Ellis The opening song was, "I Need Thee Every Hour." followed by prayer by Mrs. Adelle Bills. Barbara McCoid gave the history of "The Little Brown Church in the Vale. Call to worship was read by Mrs. Ellis Mrs. E. D. Hartzell gave a reading, "The Minister's Sermon." Mrs. Lea Henderson read meditation, and "Deacon Jone's Trials," was given by Mrs. Lulu Ward. Mrs. C. E. Gresser gave extracts from the report on mis-sions of- the Secretary of General Conference, which ended with prayer
Mrs. T. H. Attebury gave the missionary lesson on "Africa.". Mrs. Rollin Gresser read John 1. Roll call was answered by a bible verse. Minutes of last meeting was read and the treasurers report was given Those present were, Mrs. Lulu Ward, of Oklahoma City; Mrs. Marlin Evans of Myrtle Point, Ore.; Mrs. C. E. Gresser, Mrs. Rollin Gresser, Mrs. Glen Sebring, Mrs. Allyn Hartzell, Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. Frank Steffee Mrs. T. H. Attebury, Mrs. Ethelyn Ferguson, Mrs. John Stevens, Mrs. Rose Myers, Miss Veda Whitney, Mrs. E. D. Hartzell, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. Ed Lambert, Mrs. W. E. Ellis, Miss Barbara McCoid, Mrs. Joe Campbell, Charlotte and Karen Stevens, Esther Sebring, Mrs. Adelle Bills, Mrs. Lee Henderson and Mrs. Crow.
The W. S. C, S. of the Methodist church, met at the home of Mrs.C. S. Smith, this Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened by singing "I Need Thee Every Hour," followed by prayer by Mrs. Charity James. Meditation was given by Mrs. W. E. Ellis. A group of sentence prayers and the song, "Come Thou Almighty King," was then given, and Mrs. Theo Young led in prayer. Social and Evangelical work in China Was given by Mrs. Adelle Bills. Roll Call was answered by daily Bible reading. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given, The meeting closed with the song, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." A White Elephant Sale followed, sponsored by the White Division with Mrs. Allyn Hartzell as auctioneer. Receipts of sale was over $11. Those present: Mrs. Glen Sebring, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. L. B. Crow, Mrs. Lee Henderson, Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. Charity James Mrs. John Stevens, Mrs. J. E. Wat¬son, Mrs. Allyn Hartzell, Mrs. W. E. Ellis, Mrs. Thora Young, Mrs. C. E. Gresser, Mrs. L. P. Hartzell, Mrs. Adelle Bills, Mrs. Joe Campbell, Mrs Ed Lambert, Miss Clara Ruff, Mrs. E. D. Hartzell. Mrs. James Lillard was a visitor
The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church sponsored a Silver Tea, Tues¬day afternoon at the church, and de¬spite the rain a large crowd attended. An entertaining program was given including several musical numbers, a reading and a one-act play. Mrs. Joe Campbell gave 2 violin solos, accom¬panied by Virginia Parr; a reading, "Heritage" was given by Margie Lil¬lard and Joyce Navarre sang, "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied by Peggy Navarre. A one-act play, "Women Who Wait" was given by six High School girl, directed by Miss Bernice Herron. The cast included, Betty Countryman, Betty Parr, Bar¬bara McCoid, Esther Page, Peggy Navarre, and Thelma Parr. The program was highly complimented and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. The church was decorated in spring flowers. Following the program, tea was served in the church parlor. The table decorations were pink cut flowers, white candle sticks and pink candles. Mrs. J. E. Watson poured. All during the serv¬ing Mrs. Joe Campbell and Virginia Parr furnished piano music.
Don't forget the Rummage Sale May 22nd in Topeka, sponsored by the W. S. C. S. of the Methodist Church. Please leave your contri-bution's at the homes of Mrs. Page, Mrs. Coberly or Mrs. Ed Lambert. Mrs. Lambert will call for your things if you will phone her.
The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church met at the beautiful country. home of Mrs. Joe Campbell, this Thursday, June 1. A box luncheon Was served and the hostess served ice cream and ice tea. The past president was honored with a gift and Miss Donna Stitt sang, "When They Ask About You. ' and "I'll Be Around." The meeting opened by-singing, "I Need Thee Every Hour," followed by prayer by Mrs. Charity James. Quiet music was played by Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. W. E. Ellis had charge of the devotion by hav¬ing a group reading and all sang "Eaith of Our Fathers" with Mrs.
Cleveland at the piano. Mrs. Farris played her own composition on the piano. Mrs. James gave a talk on "Juvenile Delinquency". Business period was conducted bv president Mrs. Coberly. Minutes of last two meeting was read and the treasurers report was given. Missionary topic was given by Miss Esther Sebring on "Child On His Own." Miss Vida Whitney gave the poem "T h e Sculptor." A poem read b y Mrs. Stitt, was "Little Town." Miss Esther Sebring and -Mrs. Merwin McKnsey, sang "In Jesus" and "The Cross." accompanied by Mrs. Rollin Gresser The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Stitt and all singing "God Be With You Until We Meet Again." Mrs. Cleveland accom-panied at the piano. The next meeting will be with Mrs. L.. B. Crow in July. Those present were, Mrs. Charity James, Mrs. Irene Cleveland, Mrs. Rollin Gresser, Mrs. C. C. Gresser, Mrs. Allyn Hartzell, Mrs. Dave Stitt, Miss Dona Stitt, Miss Esther Sebring, Miss Vida Whitney, Mrs. C. W. Vorhies, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. Mervin McKinsey and Adrain, Mrs. W. E. Ellis, Mrs. O. R. Farris, Mrs. E. D. Hart¬zell, and Mrs. Campbell.
The W. S .C. S. of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. L, B. Crow, this Thursday afternoon. The meeting was led by Mrs. W. E. Ellis The opening song was, "I Need Thee Every Hour." followed by prayer by Mrs. Adelle Bills. Barbara McCoid gave the history of "The Little Brown Church in the Vale. Call to worship was read by Mrs. Ellis Mrs. E. D. Hartzell gave a reading, "The Minister's Sermon." Mrs. Lea Henderson read meditation, and "Deacon Jone's Trials," was given by Mrs. Lulu Ward. Mrs. C. E. Gresser gave extracts from the report on mis-sions of- the Secretary of General Conference, which ended with prayer
Mrs. T. H. Attebury gave the missionary lesson on "Africa.". Mrs. Rollin Gresser read John 1. Roll call was answered by a bible verse. Minutes of last meeting was read and the treasurers report was given Those present were, Mrs. Lulu Ward, of Oklahoma City; Mrs. Marlin Evans of Myrtle Point, Ore.; Mrs. C. E. Gresser, Mrs. Rollin Gresser, Mrs. Glen Sebring, Mrs. Allyn Hartzell, Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. Frank Steffee Mrs. T. H. Attebury, Mrs. Ethelyn Ferguson, Mrs. John Stevens, Mrs. Rose Myers, Miss Veda Whitney, Mrs. E. D. Hartzell, Mrs. Lloyd Coberly, Mrs. Ed Lambert, Mrs. W. E. Ellis, Miss Barbara McCoid, Mrs. Joe Campbell, Charlotte and Karen Stevens, Esther Sebring, Mrs. Adelle Bills, Mrs. Lee Henderson and Mrs. Crow.
Rossville Reporter, Rossville, Kansas
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This work is copyrighted; the copyright holder has granted permission for this item to be used by the Rossville Community Library. This permission does not extend to third parties.
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