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  • Collection: Rooks County Kansas History

Woodston, Kansas - This view of the south side of Woodston's Main Street was taken June 24, 1913. The automobile delegation shown was mapping the highway from Colby to Beloit. The Woodston Grade School can be seen in the background.

The Woodston Rural High School a few years after construction. The school was completed in 1921.

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Names found on back of photo (Possibly Women's Christian Temperance Union):
Ethel Meyers
Lelia Robinson
Flora Starbuck
Maggie Garvin
Mae Adams Darnell
Mary Lemon
Aldea Gay
Edith Harris
Mae Smith
Grace Lambert
Mable Travis

wm. jackson cook family-1905.JPG
William "Jackie" Cook's sod house in 1905 in Alcona Township, Rooks County, Kansas, located approximately 17 miles west and 2 miles south of Stockton, Kansas
William Jackson Cook - Willis Cook - Mary Cook - Dewey Cook - Elsie Cook - Ida Mae Cook -…

Wheat Wagons - Wagons of wheat being delivered to the Palco elevator sometime around 1910.

Harvest Time - 50 trucks filled with wheat line up on Cedar Street to unload at the local elevator. This picture was taken July 1, 1958 but it could have been taken many different years at harvest time.

After the land was purchased for Webster Lake, the Webster Store, owned by the Richardson's, was the first building on the site of new Webster. They moved to new Webster on April 19, 1953. Albert and Frona Richardson ran the store until 1981, when…

The dedication of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Webster, June 11, 1911.

Webster Dam - Digging of the core trench for the Webster Dam project. The foundation was finished in 1953 with the dam being completed in 1956. The main purpose of the dam was for flood control, but irrigation, fishing and wildlife became a part of…
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