Detached residence, I-house with rear tee wing, five front bays, wood frame and weatherboard, rubble stone foundation, gable roof. Hipped front porch on tapered posts, ornamented porch in ell SE, 2/2 double-hung wooden windows, glazed wooden…
Detached residence, rectangle with side entrance and side bay NE, one-and-a-half story, wood frame construction, first floor weatherboard, gable ends shingled, coursed rough-cut stone foundation, gable roof. Front gable porch on stone piers, rear…
Detached residence, cruciform plan with side entrance, one-and-a-half-story, wood frame and weatherboard, coursed rough-cut stone foundations, gable roof. Rear shed porch, 1/1 and 4/1 double hung wooden windows, front bay window NW, glazed wooden…
A town council composed of women was elected in Baldwin City in 1889. The council passed a tax levy May 24, to produce revenue for street widening, opening, grading and bridge building. The Baldwin-Media bridge, also known as the "Women's Bridge",…