Browse Items (1809 total)

74. Field Store Interior about 1905M.O. and Earl Field Hugh Getty, Frank Yek Boys Ben and Gabe.pdf
Field Store Interior with Earl Field, Hugh Getty, Frank Yek and children are Ben and Cabe Field

73. Harnish Grocery Al Harnish, Ida Haas and TR Mc Crea.pdf
Harnish Grocery Store with Al Harnish, Ida Haas and TR McCrea

72. Copied from Polk's Kansas Gazette Business Directory.pdf
Add which appeared in newspaper for a horse breeder near Winchester KS

68. Inside office of Winchester Star Newspaper in April 1959.pdf
Newspaper office photos (4) with Tina Robertson, Mrs Byrn in them.

66. Curry Sheep farm Mooney Creek Church and Rectory farm scenes.pdf
Photos of Winchester area

65. Band stand in Park between walnut and oak and grasshopper and Dela.pdf
Winter view of band stand located in the park between Walnut and Oak and Grasshopper and Delaware

64. Wilhelm Building on Southwest corner of 3rd and Winchester.pdf
Wilhelm Building Photo

63. Garage at northeast corner of 3rd and grasshopper  2002 JD Tires.pdf
Photo of garage with cars out front

62. Kinyon Drug on north side of winchester between 2nd and 3rd.pdf
Phot of Kinyon Drugs on North side of Winchester between 2nd and 3rd Street

61. O. P. Depot on October 19, 1910 A Leavenworth Booster Special.pdf
Train Depot with crowd out front
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