See you in Church Sunday
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.
Church worship at 11 a. m.
There will be a congregational meeting this Sunday for the purpose of electing a Ruling Elder, and a Sunday School superintendent. All…
December 12, 1957 Attend a Church of your Faith
Rossville Presbyterian Church
Robert Boughton, minister
Services for December 15
Sunday School at 10:00 am
Church Services at 11:00 a. m. Topic - "The Fullness of Time"
Owen McMahan, Supt.…
January 9, 1958
The Rossville Reporter
Attend A Church of Your Faith
Rossville Methodist Church
Don Jones, minister
Sunday School at 10 am, Morning Worship at 11 am
Scott W. Kelsey, Supt.
Mrs. Helen Queen, Primary Supt.
Mrs. Irene…
June 6, 1929 The 4-H Roundup program is being broadcast from K. S. A. C. at Manhattan this week. The banquet Friday evening from 5:30 to 9 should be interesting because the prize winners will be announced and awarded. Rossville 4-H club is competing…
December 16, 1943
Mrs. Walter Trubey, Betty and Evelyn, Mrs. William Hesse and son Billy, Barbara McCoid, Owen McMahan, Howard McMahan, Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Spears and Dorothy Lemon went to Topeka this Thursday to attend a 4-H Achievement Day…
January 25, 1945 The regular monthly meeting of the Rossville Rustlers 4-H club was held at the Rossville grade school at 8 p. m. Tuesday, January 16, 1945. The meeting was called to order by the president, all…
February 12, 1959
Way Back When
10 YEARS AGO February 10. 1949
Bob Gentry was one of four 4-H members awarded the Arthur Cap¬per scholarships for leadership in 4-H club work and applies only at Kansas State College.
August 24, 1950 The Rossville Rustlers 4-H Club met Monday night, August 21, at the Community Center for their regular monthly meeting. Roll call was answered by "Topics," followed by a short business meeting. A demonstration on…
January 19, 1950 The Rossville Rustlers met Monday, January 16, in the grade school gym for the regular meeting. The president called the meeting to order, and it was opened by members repeating the flag salute and singing…
August 23, 1951 Merle Eyestone, County 4-H agent, announces the following local winners on stock shown last Friday at the Kansas Free Fair grounds. Hereford baby beef, Roy Davis, blue ribbon; Marvin and Norma…