October 19, 1944 Carroll McLaughljn, 702 1/2 East Madison, Iola, Kansas, former Methodist pastor of the Rossville-Silver Lake Methodist Churches, will report to Leavenworth to go into active service October 23. He writes from Iola and…
March 6, 1958 Rossville was represented by several demonstrations and a one act play, Saturday, March 1, at the Shawnee County 4-H Day at Seaman High School.
The play, "Honest to Goodness", was about…
The W. S. C. S of the Methodist church met Thursday, Nov . 17, at the home of Mrs. C. S. Smith for an afternoon meeting. The president, Mrs. Vina McCoid, called the meeting to order and all repeated the Lords Prayer. A vocal solo was sung by Ann…
The Rossville Reporter Thursday, Nov. 29, 1956 Page 6
County 4-H Champions attending 4-H Achievement Party are as follows: Front row, left to right, Larry Sheets, Wesley Sheets, Gary Allen, Norman Jernigan, Walter Baxter, Loren Lynde,…
History of the Church
Methodists Celebrate 50th Anniversary
Fifty years ago, March 1, 1885, marked the dedication of the local Methodist church, and last Sunday the congregation and pastor, Rev. Wright Horton sponsored the celebration of the…
Vanishing Teas continue in favor as fall events around Rossville. Mrs. Velda O'Donnell entertained at tea for Mrs. Roxie Nadeau, Christina Olejnik and Greta Olejnik.
Mrs. Wm. Olejnik gave a tea party for…
The Rossville Reporter
An Independent Newspaper Published Every Friday at Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas.
PETER NAVARRE Editor and Owner
By mail, to any address, one year $1.00 strictly in advance.
Entered as…
February 12, 1914 continued: keep an accurate account and pay the same to the cause or institution to which it belongs.
Duties of the Board of Managers
—The management and control of the property of the federated churches shall be in the hands of…
January 15, 1914 The neighbors and friends of Rev. and Mrs. Pontius brought well filled baskets and spent one day this week at the parsonage. All report a fine time. Those present to enjoy the occasion were Mrs. McCollough, Mrs. Arvilla Sebring,…
Baptist Church Sold
June 11, 1914 The call for bids by the Rev. D. D. Proper of Omaha as published in the Reporter in May, resulted in the property being sold to Lester Parr and O. Goyette who pooled their interests and submitted a bid. The boys…