Browse Items (1809 total)

77. Group of men in front of building in Winchester.pdf
2 photos of this location. One a street view the other the front of a house with a crowd. People not identified

79. Farm home one half mile east of Winchester on south side of 1-92.pdf
Photo of house 1/2 mile east of Winchester on 192 highway

80. Shove's new red Buick  Passengers Marlin and Dorothy.pdf
Shove's new red Buick. Passengers are Marlin and Dorothy

81. 2nd and Main looking north.pdf
2nd and Main looking North (2 photos)

83.  Dr. Maggie McCrea.pdf
Photo of Dr Maggie McCrea in horse and buggy

84. Farm home built by Shugharts two and one half miles north of Winchester.pdf
Farm home built by Shugharts 2 1/2 miles north of Winchester

85. McCrea home two miles west of Winchester where Raymond Wistuba lives now.pdf
McCrea home 2 miles west of Winchester

86. Farm home one fourth mile east of Winchester on North side of Hwy1 92.pdf
Farm home 1/4 mile east of Winchester on North side of highway 192

89. Baseball grooup.pdf
Baseball team photo
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