Browse Items (1809 total)

Last Sunday night, the Chevrolet driven by Chuck Macha, Rossville, (shown at right) went out of control on the wet street and jumped the ditch, then collided with the Cadillac shown at left. The Cadillac parked in the drive is owned by Buddy Taylor…

Great Smith Comes Home
At last, the day had arrived! The beautiful bright red and black 1910 Great Smith which Harold Irwin, Rossville, purchased in Dallas was transported to Rossville by a specially-built van constructed to handle antique cars. Mr.…

Extensive damage occurred to this 1973 Ford which was in an accident Thursday morning, September 12. According to the Kansas Highway Patrol which worked the accident, Debbie D. Lord, 18, Rossville, attempted to enter U.S. 24 from a county road at…

Horse-drawn buggy carrying Sylvan Carnival Queen, 1909. Queen's name is unknown.
"Queen, Sylvan Carnival 1909. Stolz Photo" written at bottom of image.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henderson were married March 19, 1920-something. The exact year is not known since the corner of the picture where the date is located is damaged. The portrait is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville,…

This is a wedding portrait of Marie (Boyles) and Ira Henderson who were married December 26, 1929. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas. RCL0010 was tucked into the frame.

View looking west from Railroad Depot, Sylvan Grove, KS

This portrait is of two girls wearing white dresses with white bows in their hair. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas. They are possibly also pictured in RCL0009.

This is a portrait of a woman in a wedding dress and veil holding a bouquet of flowers and a man wearing a suit. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas.

The Women's Society of Christian Service met on Thursday, November 17, at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Joe Gresser. The meeting was called to order by the President, Irene Parr.
A very interesting lesson was given by Elizabeth Hesse and…
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