Browse Items (1809 total)

The United Methodist Women of Rossville met at Linda DeHoff’s home at 1:30 Thursday afternoon, February 24, with 13 members present.
Ruth Rogers presided over the meeting.
Friday, March 4, is World Day of Prayer, and it will be held at the United…

The United Methodist Women of Rossville met at the home of Ruth Rogers at 1:30 Thursday afternoon, March 24, with 10 members present.
The meeting was called to order by our president, Edna Spears.
We have changed the date of our food sale to…

Miss Nellie Countryman was honored Sunday, October 31, by the United Methodist Women of the Rossville United Methodist Church.
For years, the ladies of the church have helped support mission work in the United States and around the world. One way…

August 27, 1959: Church Addition Started--The foundation was poured for the new Sunday School addition at Rossville Methodist Church this week. Labor has been donated by church members. The addition which is to be 32 x 60 will include space for four…

January 29, 1959: WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Bill Larson Thursday, January 22. Lesson leaders were Elsie Rasch and Helen Queen, on “Rekindling the Gift of India.” Lovely refreshments were served to Esther Stickerod, Eleanor Jones, Elsie Rasch, Jean…

It’s a quilting bee twice a week for several members of Rossville’s Friendly Circle Class. Their fingers fly over the quilt, and all the while they are buzzing with the latest news of neighbors and friends, the town gossip, and tales of years gone…

Mr. Goyette in his Rossville, Kansas, drugstore; could be either Frank or Omer Goyette. It is believed Mr. Goyette occupied the drugstore around 1917.

U.G. Stewart, pictured on the left, purchased the Rossville News in June of 1901 and sold it in 1910. Pictured in the center is Ray Bartley with Paul (Peck) Stewart pictured on the right.

This portrait of a woman has a photographer's studio stamp in the bottom right corner that has been damaged. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas.

This portrait is of a man standing behind a woman sitting who has a small flower bouquet in her lap. It may be a Daguerreotype print. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas.
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