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FRIENDLY CIRCLE — Members and guests of the Friendly
Circle Class posed for a group picture following their annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Pictured (left to right) Back row, Vivian Turner, Edna Bush, Anna Strimple, [Winnie] Ellis, Iva…

This family portrait is of eleven people wearing dress clothes. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas.

This business was on the north side of Highway 24 in Rossville, Kansas, just west of the intersection of the highway and Main Street.

Auxiliary 1953-54  & Attendance book.PDF
V.F.W. Auxiliary to Post 8873 scrapbooks and part of an attendance and membership book

Auxiliary Publicity 1955.PDF
V.F.W. Auxiliary to Post 8873 scrapbooks/publicity

This picture of Velda O'Donnell and Henry Lillard was taken in March of 1961. Rossville’s American Legion Auxiliary Unit was organized October 14, 1958, as the Jimmie Lillard Unit 31. Velda O’Donnell was elected vice president on October 22, 1958.…

Velda O'Donnell worked at the Shawnee County Reporter. This picture was taken December 22, 1960.

Velda O'Donnell is working at The Shawnee County Reporter's printing press in Rossville, Kansas, in November of 1960.
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