First Catholic Church - The first church in the city of Stockton - St. Thomas Catholic - was built of native limestone in 1878 on East Main. It was razed in 1951 after the present church was completed. A small replica was built at the Catholic…
Coolbaugh Mansion - One of the most impressive houses in Stockton, the Coolbaugh mansion was built in the years 1904 to 1907 at 421 North Walnut by M.J. Coolbaugh, Jr., a Stockton businessman. It was remodeled into apartments in 1936 and is owned…
Woodston, Kansas - This view of the south side of Woodston's Main Street was taken June 24, 1913. The automobile delegation shown was mapping the highway from Colby to Beloit. The Woodston Grade School can be seen in the background.
Built in 1886 as the Hicks Hotel, this building was know as the Beck Hotel after 1935. It was torn down in 1963 to make way for the new Stockton National Bank building. This view was probably about 1940.
The Congregational Church, located at 305 North Spruce, was built in 1906. It replaced a smaller structure, the second church in Stockton, which had been built in 1881. The steeple has since been removed.
The building at the corner of Main and Walnut Streets was built in 1912. It has housed the post office, the telephone exchange, an optometrist, the Rooks County Record newspaper, and numerous other businesses. The date of this picture is unknown.