Browse Items (1809 total)

Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Thompson and Cecile, Layton, Rosa, Severt [Sivert].

Back inscription:
The thrashing [sic threshing] machine belongs to Nels Thompson. Part of the crew including the cooks, taken somewhere about 1912 or 1913.

[Based on the age of identifiable children in photo, 1912-1913 is accurate. Reference…

Back inscription: Ray Keller and wife Lillie and daughter Viola

Back inscription:
Front: Ray Keller and wife Lillie Keller and Levi Keller
Back: Lillie and Linn Keller, Viola Keller and Grandmother Keller

Back inscription:
Car on left: John and Winnie Keller, Ester and Florence Keller, Cecile, Layton, and Rosa Thompson

Middle car: Ray Keller - Lud Thompson
N.A. Bland, Viola Keller, Harry Bland, Ray's wife Lillie M. and Mrs. N.A. Bland

Car on…

Back inscription: Ray Keller
[illegible notes]
Front of photo: Momma (is Lillie Bland Keller)

Other members are possibly the children of Herbert Milton Bailey (and cousins to Lillie Bland Keller)

This is possibly the Herbert Milton Bailey family. Re: RCL0758a
Front: Mr. W.M. Weikert, Norton, Kans.
Back inscription: one of Carrie Bailey Bland's sisters family
Belle Bailey?

Back inscription: H.M. Bailey
[other illegible notes]

W.R. Ireland, Holton, Kans.

[If the children of Herbert Bailey, then most likely these three are Elsie, Myrtle, and Arthur]
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